Hello everyone , just a little message to say we really appreciate your notes its really good to hear from all of our much missed friends and family!! Wish we could magic you all here just for one day - where is sabrina the witch when you need her hey!!!
all our love sammy and jess xxxAKA FLASHPACKERS
Sarah B
Hey Ladies!
Looks like you are having a wicked time! I dont think i would have licked an ant though. Not up to much back here! Just preparing myself for the weekend as it is the queens leaving do! I am going as a witch & Katie is going as a devil. The costumes are a bit riska but i am sure you will see from the photos i will put on Ringo.
Take Care
Sarah xxxx
Gday Gday!
Well Australia sounds brilliant - not sure if I would be too keen on the rainforest...all them spiders and bugs would be a bit too scary for me. I can imagine you two screaming and running round if you came across anything too creepy! haha! Especially moths! Talking about wildlife I bought 3 fish (sunshine, golly and blower) unfortunatley blower and golly have died though so just sunshine left. I think she ate them ;-)
Loving the pictures girlies - dont think you need to sunbathe at all, your both looking so brown. You will have to let me know the week your getting back so I can fake tan a million times over.
Everything is fine here apart from the weather - its wet and beginning to get cold sorry to say.
Not working today so going to make my angel outfit for abbys leaving do this saturday - wish you guys could be there. I will put pics on ringo though.
Thinking about you both and missing you. Take care - beware of those kangeroos! x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
hello my darling's!
your photo's are looking great enjoy reading your journals got your brother hooked on bingo but he gets so stressy when he only wants 1 number but its a laugh.....Every1 here is fine, you look like your having the times of your life! hope you enjoy your boat trip its nice to read about your travels but its even nicer when you ring nd then i hear your voice missin you so much...
rhiannon has a new account its [email protected]
darren sasy your dont ring him :( he would lovve to hear from you....
aunty sher is on holiday atm with the wobblies!!!!nuffin changes in tht department.....
better get ready fro workl now darling take care n b safe all my love to you and jess missing you millions..
love mum, hamish, rhiannon, darren and family xxxx
hi hunnies,
Appologies 4 not leaving a message 4 nearly a month, been so busy wiv work and training but its all finished now!! I am now offically a 'Mortgage Specialist' as it's now called so when u want ur 1st home u've gotta come 2 me! Nothing much is goin on in my life, no way near as exciting as urs!! I am bookin a skiing trip 2moro 4 my bday in feb which i can't wait 4! Really excited just hope i wont break my leg! Looking forward 2 the apres ski!!!
Really missing u but its so lovely 2 hear all ur stories, feels like im there with u. Sammy, have u been keeping a diary? So many memories!
Well i best be off now, promised myself i would go 2 the gym 2day so need 2 get my bum in gear. Then be a Devizes WAG(ha ha i wish) and go and watch my other half play footie!! I wont b in wearing a belt and heals, it's jeans and a jumper 4 me. Take care and keep enjoying lots of love me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey girlies looks like you're having an amazing time, the pictures I've just been perusing are wicked, but Sam go careful because people will start to mistake you for a paki!! Actually, in some of the pictures it looks like you two are on that shipwrecked programme.
Just had a little read of your journals and I have to say well done on keeping them fairly short because when Ben was travelling he was writing us all mini dissertations which nobody ever bothered to read (don't tell him I said that).
Sam, there's been another addition to the Sartin family football team, little Dylan was born 4 weeks ago and he's a bloody cutey. Harrison loves it too, he likes to help look after his baby brother but I've got a feeling those two will be terrorising the ladies of Devizes in the very near future!!
Uni is being it's usual crazy self with a lot of partying and very little studying going on, I am currently nursing a brutal hangover after another mental Wednesday night in the Surrey Union, or 'Rubix'(!?) as it's now called.
Anywho, best be off, you two take care of yourselves and each other and keep those piccies coming.
Lots of love
Lloydie xxx
Hello monkees! Wow how jealous am I? I can't believe that you are really out there, and I'm well, still here! You both seem to be having the time of your lives, I can't wait for you to get back to show me all the photies! Hope coco and loco are keeping you safe. I'm going to switzerland for 5 days with Kim. Going to see my little sister (5) for the first time since she was a baby, really excited, she's been learning english words just for us! How god damn cute is that!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your journals, so keep them coming. I will keep checking them out when I go online (not very often I'm afraid). Me and Liam are still together, getting on really well, aaahhh! Heehee.
Well sexy 1 & 2, Hear from you soon. Have lots of fun and don't do anything I would do, haha!
Love you both, mwah xxx
Hey JJ
I found your message board, how behind the times am I?! Sounds like your having a great time, I'm having fun and also green with envy at reading all your journals. Also glad to hear your safe and having a good time!
Well, here we've got our flat exchanged and completed today!! :-) off to Dublin tomorrow, but that's not as excited as your trip!!!
Celebrity gossip... Madonna has adopted a baby from Malawi amongst much controversy!
Take care guys, look forward to reading more news!
Fi xxxx
Hey guys!
Us poor, overworked nurses on Prescott ward got your postcard today! We're all very jealous-but glad you're having a fab time! Me and Gav are off to London Thursday/Friday to get our documents legalised at long last-hooray! Hope you continue to have a great time Down Under.
Love Kirsty.x
Hey Guys. Glad you're still having a fab time. I'm with you on not missing the Ghekkos, lizards, spiders , cats , flying beetles, frogs, moths , mosquitos etc. etc in Thailand.
Of course, you still have the mozzys & hawker stalls in Singapore, Blue Tongue Lizards, Red Back & Funnel Web Spiders in Oz, The Dark Lord - Sauron (and Sheep!) in New Zealand and Japanese tourists in Los Angeles to navigate pass.
Me thinks time to top up on plenty more of that local Whiskey (meant to be a secret incidentally ;-) and ouzi guns before you head further south! I'll check if Gollum is available ahead of your arrival in NZ. Right pair of Lara Crofts you are!! Love to you both. L xxx. ps. It's fricking freezing here!!
Hello sammy xx & jessxx when you wake up in the morning have breakfast in bed daddy always cooks mine on sundays.
aunty Dorinda has gone to a play tonight you would like it to.
miss youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxloads
Be safe.
The Travellers
Thanks for all the messages, keep them a coming its good to hear from everyone!! Anita - a foam party?!!? was it an Oscars moment getting lots in the bubbles!!! hahaha Well please keep us in touch of the latest news and gossip......xxx xxx LOVE TO EVERYONE XXX XXX