hello darling and jess!
hope u both safe nd well, nd having the time of your lives! can see your safe from your message board...What happened to my phone call, miss n love you loads!
Enjoy your elephant trekking!
look forward to your journal entries....
Take care both of you.
Love you millions
Hey Jess and Sammy,
Hope you are having a fantastic time!! Thank you soooooooooo much for my card it was GREAT and such a sweet thought. Take care of each other and hope to hear from you soon.
Love to you both
Hello Girlies, just wanted 2 say have a fab time and look after eachother. Will miss u loads. Enjoy! lots of love leanne xxxxxxxx
'h' Man
Hello sammy and jess have a good time in thailand
love Harrison xxxxxxxx
keep safe sam and jess love you x xx
Tim Jeary
Hey Jess, Hey Sammy Summers,
Yippee, yippee hooo haaa. Today is the day. Have a great time girls. You are both gorgeous people and deserve a trip of a lifetime.
Make the most of every moment but stay safe. Take extra special care of each other and make sure you have that CODE WORD. How about Mrs Tweedy........................or Bap???
Look forward to hearing from you both soon.
Love you lots.
Lil Rhi
hi big sis nd betty boofon! missing yas already nd u avent even gone! those toilets in the indian stank hehe..x much love lil rhi!! love you nd have a nice time nd b SAFE!!use the pendant sam from aunty debbie!!
.::.BON VOYAGE.::.
Had to get in there 1st. So your finally coming to join me in the ultimate paradise :) Hope you enjoy enery minute you both deserve to.
Wild orchid was the name of the GH, forgot to say, dohh. Its wicked behind Ko san rd just ask and youll get directed.
easy now........love james