Im back in Mendoza after backpacking for 3 weeks (basically three weeks of 5 hours a night sleep, beer in bar hostels, junk food... ;D ! ) But Im off again tomorrow, this time to Santiago de Chile, the capital city of Chile...that´s right I´m leaving Argentina for a wee while. It is actually an obligation, I have to do it because my three month tourist visa runs out this week, so I have to leave and re-enter to renew it and get another 3 months! Yhe, nearly half way through...this Thursday will mark 3 weeks since leaving the UK! And 3 months until returning. Has gone way too fast!
Anyway, after Chile, I´m planning on a wee bit more to Iguazu falls in the North West, on the border with Brazil and Paraguay (so obviously short trips to thos countries) and then down to Rosario, the birthplace of Che Guevara and then thinking of spending a week at a coastal resort in Uruguay to having some surfing lessons.
Will keep you posted!
- comments
Vanessa Chapter 13 is the version of BK that awolls you to include past-due mortgage payments in your filing. Chapter 13 does NOT discharge debts. It is a court supervised consolidation of your debts where you pay them back in a 3-5 year period.Chapter 7 is the version of BK that discharges debts like credit card debts. To my knowledge, past due mortgage payments cannot be discharged in a Chapter 7 filing. For an issue this serious, you need expert advise. Contact a BK attorney asap for exact answers on these matters.