A general, brief update...
Monday - Lazy daysss! Woke up, brought a newspaper...Can you believe they publish Le Monde here (French newspaper), but not any British ones?! I´m aching to know whats going on at home! Then went to school...NOT good! Things haven´t been going so well at the school, unfortunately...It´s very chaotic and things rarely run to plan...I guess it´s a cultural thing for me, but I do prefer it when I know what I´m doing (all my friends here think thats a typical British attitude!) The English teacher left, and I spent my first hour sat in front of class with nothing given to me to do, it was a huerta class, which is gardening...obviously I know nothing about it! The kids, who are all great, were being typical kids, messing around not working, so that was funny to watch! Then...I was left alone with a class! And told to do something with them! Ahh! 30 11 year olds...not fun at all. I managed to get them to shut up and behave, by shouting and raising my voice (I now understand a teacher mentality!)...they were no worse for me than the ordinary I got them to revise the days of the week, and wrote them on the white board and we did all that...but it was very chaotic! Obviously, I wasn´t doing what the teacher normally does (how they start the lesson, correcting the work, writing the date, the rgister etc...) because I don´t know what that is! So they were all telling me that usually do, and how to do it...they were talking and everyhting, it was chaos...I´ve been at the school 4 days, never taught before and ugh! Not good, didn´t enjoy it! So my rep and I spoke to the vicedirector and we´ve agreed...I don´t teach!! Í only want to assist, not control a class...ugh! This has meant slimming my days down at the school, so we´re now on the hunt for extra for more work.
Tuesday - Spent the morning having breakfast and coffee with a friend down in the centre of the day, la zona peatonal, pedestrain area...which is a massive plaza full of cafe tables...It was bliss! Good coffee, typical argentine breakfast...basically continetal...Theres a distinct European cafe cultre here. ANyway, school in the controlling classes. Then, to Victor, french student, and an Argentine girl (I can´t remember her name! :o) apartment, to learn to make Creme Brule with Andres, from Argentina, who studies cookery at the Uni...ah it´s complex..well for me. I cannot cook at all, and would probably manage to burn salad if I was left to it! But, we had a cookery student and a frenchman on hand, so I just stood back and stired bits and pieces...We watched a film, Y Tu Mama Tambien, a very graphic Mexican film, then ate the soufle at 1am or something...very ARgentine, they do things a lot later here! A bit random, but nevertheless the dessert was GOOD! First time I´ve tried it and amazing!
Wednesday - Running out of time! Basically, chilled in the sun and park by the day, went to an art gallery in the afternoon down town, they´re all free entry on a wednesday!, something to do then! Then in the evning went to a bar (Somethings don´t change!), which on a wednesday night does a humour theatre thing...basically a group of actors ask the audience to shout a phrase and the actors improvise something around that´s comedy...and it was amazing. I understood it mostly, but there was lots of slang and dramatic voices which made some of the Spanish hard to understand...but still amazing actors to improvise what they was spot on! That washed down with Pizza, the universal food, and Andes, great Argentine white beer whcih I love, and will miss when I come home! This town has an amazing cultural offering, something every hour of the day...will definately go back to the bar!
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