The past few days...
Thursday: So, pretty busy day, meetings etc... over possible jobs (which all come out trumps)...First of which was in a library at the Uni, where they record me reading texts in English for the sake of teaching purposes, exams etc... It was alright, a few hours a week will do me fine! I listened to other recordings, all American accents, then listening back to mine, I really noticed my accent...twen-y, instead of twnety and all that! Its really wierd being British here, everyone assumes I´m Amercian, then why I tell them otherwise, all the girsl, of all ages, like swoon! A lot of them have never met a Brit before, and everyone has said "speak to me in English, we love your accent", it´s so embarrassing! It was the same when I went to America earlier this year, although a lot of people may hate the British for being "First World", they certainly think we´re cool, a lot of people have told me how they love London, the fashion, the music, the style...It´s f***ing wierd! Then in the afternoon, another meeting whcih went well, working with a company called Íntercultural´ teaching adults English, and also having Spanish lessons myself!
Friday: Spent the morning having breakfast and doing nothing in a cafe in the city centre, sat out on one of the plazas...standard! Then started the new job in the afternoon. Sat in an an advanced English class...very intense! They were learning body language, and all spoke very well. Then I had a spanish class myself which went well. Friday was exceptionally muggy and hot, a muggy wind had come down from the Andes, and sent the temperature up to 35 degrees...ugh! Evening went to the ´cinemas debate group´at the Uni, and we watched a film, an Argentine film, about the crimes of the last dictatorship during the 70´s. Basically anyone slagging of the government, and anyone speaking out or influencing opinion (journalists, musicians, teachers) was detained, torchered, imprisoned, forced into labour and killed. And anyone associated with them, was also at risk. They say upto 50,000 people were killed, only 20,000 have been found (The missing are called the ´desaperecidos´´, the dispappared) theres a whole generation of ARgentine, who never knew their parents, because they were abducted when they were babies etc... It is believed the government flew the prisioners over the atlantic and dropped them into the sea, all in vans. It was a very moving film, about the countries tragic past....nice way to start a Friday evening! Anyone, so a friday, went out, of course! Went to a friends house, a group of foreign students comprising of 2 Mexicans, 2 Spanish and 1 Chilean 8It´s so stranged, most of friends are all foreign but all come from like Spain, Argentina, Mexico, France etc... No English in my "group", good for future holidays!) We ate dinner, I helped cook the steak!. Sat down to eat a 11.30at night, seriously the times here are ODD! Then we went 1.30am, a standard time for young people going out for a standard Friday night! As opposed to the 8pm bus in London! So, we went ona bit of a bar crawl up Artisides, an amazing street where everyother business is a bar, come restaurant, come club (called Boliches) here, it´s for young people and is packed! Obviously it´s cheap and each bar have their seats and bear gardens on the street...Anyway, it was packed out with people (the street) at 4.00am. It´s crazy! People sitting, having a drink at 4.00am, just like we do at a pub at 10pm...crazy! The night clubs (I did not have the energy for it this particular night!) open at 2am, and close around 7am or 8am... For me, it´s so crazy! For these guys (I include the Spanish and Mexicans here, because they do the same) it´s normal! But then they have the siesta, whcih is a 3 hour kip in the afternoon, we don´t...And theres no chance I could ever sleep in the afternoon! But yeh, nights out here are similar to those at home, but a whole lot later, a whole lot cheaper, and with a definately noticable ´latino´flar...Latin Amercians know how to party after all...
I´m pleased to add to that as well that my Spanish holds up just fine after I´ve had a few...thank god for that!
More to come on the weekend, including hang gliding over the Andes!
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