We left on Easter Sunday to drive all the way across the Eyre Peninsula to Baird Bay where we would meet up with Jane, Bailey, Paul Wetherall and Adam (their 'adopted' son) for our swim with dolphins and sea lions. We stopped along the way at Kimba which is apparently halfway across Australia and home to a massively huge Galah. We arrived at Baird Bay around 3:00 and got ourselves settled into the campground. We met up with Jane, Paul, Bailey and Adam and had a nice visit over tea that evening.
The next morning we were up early with the wind to swim with the sea lions and dolphins. Alan and Trish run the excursion company and were very friendly. We went out at 9:30 with wetsuits on and snorkels in tow and made the 20 minute boat ride out to the island where the sea lions live. We jumped in (the water was quite cold) and were immediately surrounded by playful sea lions frolicking in the water. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. We were in the water for about 40 minutes when we noticed everyone else was back at the boat, so we swam back and got aboard with the others. While we sat there a bunch of young sea lions jumped into the water and swam over to us. Everyone was freezing but Layla asked Alan if she could go back in and he of course said yes, so we swam for another 20 minutes with them.
We then headed across the bay to where the dolphins were swimming around awaiting our swim. We jumped into the murky, cold, and rough sea and were immediately surrounded by dolphins. Unfortunately the water was very rough and cold and it was a bit scary as Alan had to keep circling the boat around to keep us in sight. We cut this swim short but were followed back by the dolphins. A great morning!!
That afternoon Paul and Jane took us fishing in the bay where we caught an esky full of whiting, trevaly, and tommy rough. It was a great afternoon and made for some great eating the next day!
Layla and I said our goodbyes on Tuesday morning after filleting all of our fish and headed North to see Streaky Bay.
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