The comment made by many travellers who had visited Durban before was, "you've not been to Durban if to haven't had anything stollen"! So walking 5km into the city centre with no map on my own was interesting. Finding myself being stared at I have grown used to, but being followed in an all black area was something new. I had to stay in a shop near a bus stop and jump on the first bus heading the same way I was walking. Two guys were following me, I'm sure of it, whether to wind me up or worse I don't know. Crossing the road 4 times didn't matter, they kept 4-6m behind me, after I jumped on the bus I paid the driver 10p and jumped off about 500m down the road.
Found the city centre eventually by heading for sky scrapers and heading parallel to the coastline I could see time to time. The town hall was amazing, and even the post office was an impressive building. Durban has a huge Indian community and this was very apparent, since I walked straight through an Indian street Market on my adventure to find the harbour. Spices of all different colours, and smells that burnt the nostrils, but the sheer number of people was immense.
The harbour being nothing special i headed for the large beach that runs the whole way across one side of the city. Eventually I found somewhere cheap enough to eat and had a burger whilst watching all the surfers.
Eventually finding a map as I was almost back at the hostel gave me a good idea of how far I had actually walked today, near 15km in total! I was shattered and as I settled down for a relaxing afternoon Tom showed up with his traveling friend Mike.
After exchanging stories and getting to know Mike, we decided to go out for a few drinks. Tekwini's is situated on Florida rd which is 'the' street in durban. Florida rd is 5km from the city centre and like the Bond street of London. Fancy restaurants and bars, clubs and shops line this road and it was not the cheapest place to drink. We headed to a club with some Swiss girls, and after Mike was sent back to pick up some trousers we had a good night, which was inevitably going to result in a hangover the next day..
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