We are finaly in Constanta... Left Bran early this morning, about 6:30 and headed to Bucharest. It wasn't in the plan, but Ducati Bucharest was the most sensible place to find a new tyre for the duke. I'm glad we managed to get to Bucharest though, the boys in Sibiu did a good job with the patch. Got to Ducati around 10:00 and had to wait a few hours for them to find a tyre and fit it. It wasn't a Pirelli scorpion in the end, but I don't think we're that keen on them anymore... We left Bucharest around 13:00 and headed to Constanta in the steaming heat. Temperatures must've been in the mid 30's...Not very pleasant in traffic with loads of gear on.. We got to the hotel in Constanta around 18:00 and after the check-in and a cold shower I've come to the conclusion that mister K is getting preferential treatement... Nothing works in my room: dark shower-can't see much, lights don't work, the AC is bust and fridge is like an oven-yes I did check it was plugged in. We headed to the beach in search of a restaurant. This town is a very odd place: a strange combination of the very old and run down blocks and restaurants and very expensive cars and done up and new restaurants and pubs. We found this quiet place and sat down under an umbrella, having a meal and watching the sea and the people go by... I'm off to bed after this, we had a stressfull few days with that tyre. Lazy day tomorrow methinks...
Am ajuns in final in Constanta... Am plecat din Bran pe la 6:30 dimineata si ne-am indreptat spre Bucuresti. Nu era in planul original, dar Ducati Bucuresti era cel mai sigur loc de a gasi o roata noua pentru motocicleta. Ma bucur ca petecul ne-a tinut pana in Bucuresti, se pare ca baietii din Sibiu au facut o treaba buna. Am ajuns la Ducati pe la 10:00 si a trebuit sa asteptam cateva ore sa ne gaseasca o roata si sa o repare. Nu e aceeasi Pireli Scorpion, dar cred caoricum nu ne mai place tipul ala de roata. Am plecat din Bucuresti pe la 13:00 si ne-am indreptat spre Constanta intr-o innabuseala cumplita. Nu prea placut, mai ales cu atatea haine pe noi. Am ajuns in Constanta pe la 6 seara si dupa un dus rece am ajuns la concluzia ca domnul K primeste tratament preferential... Nimic nu functioneaza in camera mea: baia e intunecata, becurile nu functioneaza, aerul conditionat, si frigiderul e ca un cuptor-da,am verificat ca e bagat in priza. Am iesit in oras la o plimbare pe plaja sa gasim un restaurant. Orasul asta e ciudat tare: o combinatie stranie intre locuri vechi si abandonate si restaurante si baruri noi. Ma intorc la hotel dupa cina, am avut cateva zile stresante cu roata. Cred ca maine lenevesc...
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