I have survived the third day of the trip: very wet to start with... We set off from the hotel in the pouring rain, so did a quick route on the motorway. It got sunny in the afternoon, so every one took their rain gear off. And so, we lost the first rider of the trip. David P stopped to take his rain gear off and the bike just wouldn't start again. We stopped for tea (and cake) and 40 minutes later he still didn't show up. Ze Count went back for him, only to find out that his bike is broken down and he can't go any further. He called the european recovery, and they're hoping to repair it before morning.... Ze count led the rest of group to Andermatt, and from there we set off to Gluringen (couldn't find 2 rooms in the same hotel as everyone else). Got to the hotel and we had an interesting conversation with the hotel owner, who surprise surprise, lived in Romania for a while. He made for very interesting conversation and an amazing "chef's special coffee" which is basically coffee, coffe liquer,cream and icecream. Tomorrow we're off to Italy to finish the first part of the trip.
Am supravietuit a treia zi, o zi ploiasa la inceput. Am plecat de la hotel intr-o furtuna, asa ca am optat pentru o ruta rapida pe autostrada. S-a insorit pe la pranz deci ne-am oprit sa ne schimbam de hainele de ploaie. Si asa am pierdut primul motociclist: David P s-a oprit sa se schimbe, doar sa realizeze ca motocicleta lui nu mai porneste. Restul din grup ne-am oprit pentru o cafea (si o prajitura) doar ca sa realizam 40 de minute mai tarziu ca el tot nu ne-a ajuns din urma. Doug s-a intors dupa el si a aflat ca i s-a stricat motocicleta (bateria banuiesc) Au sunat asigurarea europeana si speram sa o repare pana maine dimineata. Am ajuns intr-un final la hotel si am avut o discutie destul de interesanta cu proprietarul hotelului, care, printr-o coincideta a locuit in Romania si a avut caiva prieteni in Iasi pentru o vreme. Ne-a oferit o cafea "speaciala a bucatarului" ce consista din cafea, lichior de cafea, frisca si inghetata. Maine ne indreptam spre Italia pentru a termina prima parte a excursiei.
- comments
Rx Is Dave the one with the nice hair? It's been raining in the UK - not sure if that helps but hope it does. You seemed to have travelled quite a way so far - very impressive.
Iulia No,that's Dom, he's not on the trip, might join us in Slovenia. We have arrived in Prato last night, and apparently we did about 1000 odd miles so far, 2500 odd to go