Looong day today.... where do I start? We set off from Sibiu around 9:00 am and headded off towards the Transfagarasan. A few miles in, the roads went iffy again, mostly gravel. That was when David made the final decision to go home... And so there's only me and Ze Count left, David and Ali have definatelly headed home this time. Well we kept going and after a few more miles we got a puncture! Not fun, as we were stuck in the middle of nowere, out of town, with noone to help, in the scorching sun. Doug finally managed to do a half job after a couple of hours of working at it, and it got us going back to Sibiu, where we found these great tire guys who fixed it for us: AutoSpeed in Str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 137B in Sibiu. Florin Si Ghita were great, and they even spoke english, so no language barier with Doug. They had a bit of a struggle taking the tire out, but they don't do many bikes, so I think they did a great job. Any time you're in Sibiu and have a tire problem - they're the guys to see:They fixed it for us and we managed to get to Bran, but the tire needs changing as soon as possible. Started to make some phone calls, and my uncle got me the phone of the Ducati dealer in Bucharest. Problem is, it'll have to wait until Monday now. Not affecting our plans in any way, just making me a bit nervous that we might not be able to reach Bucharest. We'll see...
Luuunga zi azi... puff, de unde sa incep? Am plecat cu totii din Sibiu pe la 9:00 si ne-am indreptat spre Transfagarasan. Cateva mile mai tarziu, si strazile s-au deteriorat, din ce in ce mai mult pietris. Atunci a fost momentul in care David s-a decis sa mearga acasa, si nimic nu l-a mai putut clinti. Asa ca am ramas doar eu si contele, David si Ali s-au indreptat spre casa. Ei bine noi am mers inainte si cativa km mai tarziu am facut pana la roata din spate. Nu a fost amuzant deloc, tinand cont de faptul ca eram in mijlocul pustietatii, intr-un soare arzator, si nimeni nu s-a oprit sa ne ajute. Dupa vreo 2 ore de chinuieli Doug a reusit sa faca ceva pe jumatate, care ne-a tinut pana in Sibiu, cand am gasit o vulcanizare: AutoSpeed in Str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 137B in Sibiu. Florin si Ghita au fost super de treaba si vorbeau si engleza, asa ca nu a fost nici o bariera de intelegere cu Doug. Au avut cateva probleme sa scoata roata, dar tinand cont ca nu repara motociclete, eu cred ca au facut o treaba super. Oricand sunteti in Sibiu si aveti probleme cu anvelopele - ei sunt baietii pe care vreti sa-i vedeti: Ne-au reparat roata si am ajuns intr-un final in Bran, dar roata trebuie schimbata cat mai repede posibil. Am inceput sa dau telefoane, si unchiul meu mi-a dat numarul de telefon de la dealer-ul Ducati din Bucuresti. problema e ca trebuie sa asteptam pana luni, fiind sfarsit de saptamana. Nu ne afecteaza planurile in nici un fel, doar ca nu stiu daca roata tina pana in Bucuresti. Om trai, si-om vedea...
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