We checked the weather yesterday and they are saying that the nights are going to be in the 30's next week too. So we would either have to take off in the cold weather or pay for another month's of slip rent.
We've been planning on going to England at the end of March. So we finally came to the realization that instead of trying to travel on the sailboat in the cold weather, we should go to England now and then head for Florida in the boat when it is warmer. So we got plane tickets to leave for England on Jan 30 and return on Mar 1. It will also save us money to leave our boat here in Lake Charles instead of Florida. And with the stock market crash, we definately need to save money. And if we are traveling in warmer weather, we won't need to pull into expensive marinas to plug in our electric heater and "defrost" ourselves. So we think we have a pretty good plan!
We've finally realized how important the weather and the seasons are to this cruising lifestyle. We are definately looking forward to getting to Florida and its warm white sandy beaches! We can see now that when we try to plan out our upcoming year, we need to be moving along to stay where the temps are not too cold and not too hot - we need Goldilock's weather, "just right".
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