Ian & Claire's Adventure
Day 3
We were woken early again and our group (us & Vincent Roberto & Nicholas) grabbed our canopy equipment for a hard and humid hike to the first platform. The first platform didnt seem too high until we stood with all our equipment on and looked down to the second platform, I (Claire) freaked out a bit but the really nice Bolivian guide managed to talk me into it. After that it was great but we had to remember to look around as the views were amazing. At the fourth and final platform we abseiled down, stopping while Vincent caught his glove on the rop 2m from the ground, we just had to stand around trying to avoid the bullet ants (huge ants with a mean bite as Anush found out). Back Erika fro Breckie and a welcome cold shower and off we set in our boat.
We went to Boca Manu airstrip to pick up Walter, got eaten alive by sand flies to discover the planes were late so we went off to Boca Manu to wait for him. Oliver gave us a tour of the boat builders yard. Apparently they can only get wood that has fallen in the river, so they have all night vigils and make a lot of money from the trade, the boats are made from cedar, but there was loads of mahogony just lying around, too hard to work with, pity no furniture makers or artists lived there. Some of the lads played football with the local biys who seemed extremely good, while the rest of us sat on the shop patio chilling out in comfy chairs.
Walter arrived a few hours later all clean and fresh faced, he's really into photography so we racked his brains about cameras and also chatted about alaska as he'd been there.
We headed back upstream to the nearest sand bank and set up camp (in the dusk so the sandflies had gone to bed) we had 4 man domes for 2 people staked to the ground with any sticks we could find. As soon as they were up we set about lighting a big camp fire, and the chefs got to work as usual. Oliver headed back to Boca Manu with all of our money for Cervesas and didnt return until after our meal, which was as usual great, 3 courses. Very sociable, we sat up with Walter and Natalie till late chatting listening to Jose snoring and watching Lea hunt for mosquitos with her torch.
Off to bed, hoping we managed to kill all our unfriendly intruders.
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