Day 3 - 10 March 2018
We took a tram at 830am in the morning to Hertz where we got our rented car, Mitsubishi ASX, which will be our main mode of transport for the rest of the trip. It was a short drive before we arrived at Collingwood Children’s Farm.
The farmer’s market - within the compound of Collingwood - was open on Saturday and thus, we enjoyed both the market and the farm for the cost of only AUD 2 per adult (the kids entered free of charge). Canopy of stalls, selling various items, were available and it was a great way to start the day. Well, for me, a cup of hot latte at The Farm Cafe, perked me up for the day.
The kids were just having a great time, wandering around the farm. They pulled out dried grasses and fed the horses and the goats. I can’t imagine that they could actually be doing it for hours. The sun was scorching hot and I was really feeling terrible from the unbearable heat.
Oh and before I forgot, we bumped into Xiaowei and his family. Chatted for a while with them before we moved on to Abbotsford Convent for lunch. We had our lunch at Convent Bakery. After lunch, the boys were just climbing up and down a nearby tree. Can’t blame them for they are just... boys...
We drove about 45 minutes to DFO South Wharf and arrived at about 215pm. Nothing in there seemed to entice me as I was already not feeling too well. Emma did her shopping and we left DFO at about 430pm.
I was so unwell and tired that I took an one hour nap at our inn. Emma brought Le to the nearby park to play rugby (Le bought a rugby ball at DFO) while Yu and I took our nap.
Dinner was at a small Chinese eatery at Barkly Square. After dinner, we went back to the inn at 815pm. My temperature was 38 degree Celsius. Perhaps, my body couldn’t get used to the drastic change. It was chilly cold in the morning but all of a sudden, by afternoon, it became scorching hot. I took an early rest and slept at 9pm.
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