The departure from Fraser Island at 7am (another early start) was stunning. We saw dolphins again on the ferry trip and the weather was beautiful.
A six hour drive to Kroombit Park Cattle Station. This is a working cattle station, but they have set it up as a farmstay for tourists to get a feel for living in the ouback. It was really cool. Apparently it is normally very dry there and very dusty, it was a little greener than usual because there had been some rain.
We drank Castelmaine xxxx beer whilst practising our lassoeing skills. We then did a goat lassoeing competition. My team were shocking, but I did sit on the goat to grab him by his horns and drag him out of the pen, stubborn thing he was!!
We had a yummy roast dinner, tried goat meat which was all cooked over an open fire. We also tried cracking a whip, which is really difficult.
Then next morning at Kroombit we had a great fry up cooked on sheet of metal over an open fire and tea and coffee made in big billy cans.
The highlight of this tour was the goat mustering on horseback this morning. I had never been horseriding before so it was a new experience for me. I was a little scared to begin with but soon got into it. My horse was called Ghost and apparently she isn't keen on many of the other horses so I was told to keep away incase she started kicking...great!! But she was a good girl for me, I kept stroking her to keep her calm. Think she liked me because she nudged me with her nose when I jumped off her at the end.
Another delicious meal of steak at Kroombit for lunch before leaving for our next destination.
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