A Right Royal Show.
We arrived back in Perth in time to spend a day at The Royal Perth Agricultural Show. Much like our shows but this one is so big it has it's own stop on the railway. We walked our socks off keen to visit every corner of the show. Attractions that particularly took our fancy were the regional displays, Margaret River being the star guest this year, the dog show, sheep herding, cavy judging, vintage farm machinery and so much more. Can you guess what the gentleman in the picture us up to? That was fun too. We sat for a while watching the log chopping competitions,those guys can certainly chop wood (I imagine that they have drunk quite a few stubbies over the years too) The seniors class showed one chap in his 80's giving an amazing display. The emus and their chicks were great. Did you know that the male emu sits on the eggs and rears the chicks! Emu oil is a panacea for all ails we are told, it felt good on my itchy hands but pot too big to put in my case,
My favourite was the grand parade of horses led by 2 teams of polocrosse pony's. A sort of lacrosse on horseback. We stopped by to watch a demonstration on honey extraction. It was very good but the apiarist's display was not anything like as good as ours Tony and Colin. It was just a sales pitch for their very expensive Jarrah Honey. We told them how it is done in Devon and they said that for next year they would have some more educational material to display!
After 7 hours of wandering we decided to call it a day. As we left at 5 pm more folk were pouring in as the show carries on each day until 9pm with entertainment in the main arena, a wild funfair and then fireworks. We would loved to have stayed but by now needed to put our feet up with a nice cup of tea and an Anzac biscuit.
- comments
Min I see their show is on for nearly a week too!Good job you aren't there for next years show you would offered to be on their committee too!Your head would have been full of ideas.I have some Emu Oil cream that Val brought over for me,very rich moisturising cream.Firemen were good yesterday at Memory cafe,told them you would be there next time.The next 2 weeks will fly by now,enjoy every minute of it.So looking forward to your return.