How nice to start the day with all those lovely photos with blue skies and sunshine - make sure you bring some back with you! Enjoy your last day of Perth relaxation.
Peter & Angela
Good to hear that the mining industry is still buoyant in Oz (despite reports to the contrary) - should help Australia to ride out the world's financial problems. Everything is always on a huge scale in that country, whether it has wheels or legs! Another great experience for you. How frustrating that technology has let you down again, though?
Will look up about Face Time tonigh and try and workout the time difference and give it a go over the weekend xxx
Peter & Angela
Hello Grandad and Granny Heather! Glad you have been able to investigate such a variety of scenes and scenery in WA, but a shame it has turned wet for you (bit like UK really?) Hope the weathermen improve their 4casts shortly! Enjoy the OzzieRules Football finals. Where to next?
Peter & Angela
Such wonderful and varied experiences at Walpole and Albany - everything on a big scale down under! Your photos and tales just set the scene so well - don't know how you find the time? Getting ready for NTP this afternoon.
Have just caugtht up on your last little tour around the tall trees and Pemberton. I remember that area really fondly from our trip-boutique wine tasting and breathtaking forests. You were very sensible not to climb the fire look out tree in Pemberton, we did and it's one of the scariest things I've ever done! Well done on the blog, it's so lovely seeing photos of a sunny coastal place when it's so wet and miserable here. The kids love the pics too. Lots of love A, D, M and K
Yes we realised about the roads !As Tony says they couldn't afford to Tarmac all their roads out there.I guess a big percentage of the population is living in the coastal cities anyway.Just got back from Ottery and Honiton,took Shirley Smith some flowers as she can't be a volunteer anymore because of her arthritis in her knees and hips.Your hair looks very nice,probably settled down now too.
The red Tarmac as you say Min is actually only a dusty unsealed track which make up most of the many miles of roads around here! They are quite narrow and you can go for ages without meeting another vehicle.
P.s anyone having trouble leaving a message it may be because it will only accept email addresses that I have approved
You are both becoming quite experts at the flora and fauna of WA.Loved the "red tarmac"in the photo of you beside the car Heather.Always a pleasure to find the next blog on the Inbox on Pinky!
Only 3 weeks and you will be back in the swing of things again!
Peter & Angela
Hello possums! Well you are doing WA proud with your visits here, there and everywhere - and in such a luxurious vehicle! You really ought to be in a clapped out campervan, staying out in the bush like everybody else? We are so enjoying your travelog - keep it up! P&A
Peter & Angela
Hi H - no sign of my blog from 2 days ago, so will try again now? Love the new hairstyle! So pleased you have been included in the unseen social world at the back of beyond - what an experience! You can also add "fishing" to your many achievements - at least you won't starve. Wonder whether you will be planting vines, grapefruit, orange and olive groves on the hillsides of Lower Mill when you return? P&A