"A Bonzer Bank Holiday Weekend"
They say that when you go out in WA in Spring you should dress to be prepared for all four seasons in one day. Well that's certainly been true for the past week. In just a few days we have experienced cold, wet and very windy and then just in time for the bank holiday weekend it has turned sizzling hot hot hot. Consequently our level of activity has waned a bit.
Saturday saw us in the Settlers Arms at Margaret River. Most of the population had turned out for the Grand A F L Final - Sidney Swans against Melbourne Hawks. The pub was huge and there were screens set up in two bars. Having decided for absolutely no good reason (other than I liked their colours) to support the Hawks we duly cheered when the first goal was scored. Unfortunately it turns out all the folk in our bar were Swan supporters so our enthusiastic cheers were met with stony silence. Rather than move bars and lose our pitch we promptly swapped allegiances and spurred the Swans on to win by a hairs breath in the last minute of play. What an exciting afternoon.
Sunday saw us making the half hour drive to Cape Naturaliste. Parking at Sugar Loaf Rock we took the coastal foot path out to the end of the Cape. A 4 hour round trip we walked through the most stunning vistas with blue skies ,azure seas and masses of coastal wild flowers. To our delight at one point a Bandicoot scuttled across in front of us.
All the while our eyes scanned the sea for any passing whales and just when we decided there were none David, spotted one blow and for 10 minutes or so we watched a mother and calf swimming by. We were also treated to a school of dolphins frolicking in the surf. Just perfect.
Bank holiday Monday passed by with lunch at Eagle Bay, a local winery/brewery followed by a stroll along the silver sands of Bunker Bay. Lots of families were having a beach day with picnics and BBQ's and swimming in the clear blue water. Unfortunately I read last night that this very bay was the scene of one of last years fatal shark attacks. People do not seem deterred from going in and there were no shark nets or life guards keeping watch. The coastline is so vast that I suppose it's just not possible to cover every bit of beach.
The long weekend finished off by us having the neighbours over for supper. It was a thank you and goodbye to Di & Mike as tomorrow we head back to Perth to spend our last week in Australia exploring more of that lovely city and it's surrounds.
- comments
Min Nice to read the latest Penwarden travel blog on a dull English Autumnal morning.Tony Rennolds doing indoor jobs today! And so starts the final countdown to your return to Blighty.
georgette jameson You have certainly had a wonderful time and I can't believe that you will soon be home. It all went very slowly to start with but the last week seems to have flown by. Really looking forward to seeing you both. Lovely memory cafe today, you missed the firemen! XXXXX