Today I went to Phillip Island. It was a later pick up than yesterday, which was lovely as I got to have a bit of a lay in. The bus arrived at 11:10 and we was on our way. Our first stop was a Winery and we arrived at approx 13:00. There were six wines to try from champagne, white, red and rose wine. We all got given a glass each and took it in turns to go up and have a taster. I looked around and everyone was doing the correct way to taste wine, where they swirl it around the glass, take a sniff and then have a sip, but as I have never been to a wine tasting before I just swallowed the whole lot! It was quite nice, but after the fourth glass and no lunch I was feeling a bit light headed! I thought I was the only english person on the tour, but it turned out that there was a bloke called Lewis and I noticed that he was tasting the wine exactly the same as me, which made me feel better. It felt nice that I had someone english to talk to also.
Our next stop was the Wildlife Sanctuary! We first saw a Wombat who I just wanted to grap and give a big squeeze. The ranger gave us a little talk about him and then we were allowed to stroke him. We then had our photos taken with a Kowala, but we weren't allowed to take any on our cameras, so I can't load this picture up at moment, but I will try. The Kowala was so cute, but spent most of the time munching away on his Gum tree. After this was my highlight of the trip. I got to hand feed Kangaroos and it was amazing. To be that close to a Kangaroo and have them eating out of your hand was an experience that I will never forget. They were so friendly but very cheeky, you had to keep an eye on your bowl of food, otherwise they would sneak up behind you and just grab it (you can see this in one of my pictures.) A chinese lady was silly enough to put hers on a ledge and the Kangaroo just hopped along, took it and started eating the whole lot. I was so excited that I got a bit carried away, so there are quite a lot of photos to look at.
After here we went to the Nobbies and the views were fantastic. I spotted a little penguin as well hiding underneath a bridge. We stayed here for a while and had a hot drink, as it was quite cold here.
We then made our way to the Penguin Parade. I was quite dissappointed when the driver told us that it is forbidden to take any photos of the parade, as this scares them. I bought one from the gift shop though, so I will try and put this on here too. It was absolutely freezing standing on the beach waiting for the penguins to waddle accross, but I was prepared. Thank you so much for buying me my rain coat babe, I don't know what I would have done without it. When they did start coming out of the sea, they would all wait for eachother and then all walk accross the beach together. They looked so funny, as they are only about a foot tall and their little legs looked like they were going to fall off where they were trying to go as fast as they could. Once they got accross the beach they made their way up the grass bank and into their burrows. Everyone stayed for about half an hour and then went inside, but I stayed out as wanted to see as many penguins as I could. I'm so glad I did stay because I managed to get really close to them. Then as I was walking back to the bus I saw two that had just come from the beach and was waddling along, so I walked along side of them right up to the entrance of the penguin centre.
It was nice to get back on the bus though, as the driver had put the heating on. We then went on to a pizza parlour to have dinner and it was delicious. I sat with Lewis and two chinese girls who were very friendly. At about 20:00 we started to make our way back to our hostels and I was luckily dropped off first at around 22:00. Again I was shattered but it was an amazing day and I still can't believe I got to feed Kangaroos!! Am going to bed now, so haven't got time to put the photos on, but I will do this asap. Am off on the neighbours afternoon tour and neighbours night tomorrow, so looking forward to that.
Hope everyone is well.
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