Hello everyone I have arrived into Melbourne safely after what seemed like the longest flight in history! When I did arrive it took forever to get through customs and then my bag decided to make me wait also. I then had to go through quarantine, which again took forever. Getting into Australia is like Fort Knox! I was a bit concerned that my transfer that I had booked to take me to my first hostel may have already left, so I rang them and yes it had gone without me! I then had to wait another 45 minutes in the cold airport for another transfer. I kept saying to myself, don't worry this is all about the experience. Doesn't really work though when you have been up for about 32 hours and all you want is a nice warm bed to snuggle up in. My transfer finally arrived and I expexted a small minibus or something but my luck had finally changed and infront of me was a first class luxury coach! I had this all to myself and the Oz driver gave me a guided tour as he drove me to my hostel. This was very sweet of him but I wasn't really in the most talkative of moods, but I did my best to sound really interested. He was very helpful though and got me to my hostel safely.
When I arrived I was greeted with a warm welcome and given my bed linen and went straight up to my room. Again I was quite lucky, as I ended up having a six bed dorm all to myself with it's own bathroom. I had a quick shower and got into bed. It is quite cold here at the moment, so I got some blankets, some thick socks and a jumber and was a bit warmer. By this time though the jet lag had set in and about two hours passed and I still hadn't fallen asleep. I felt quite lonely in the room by myself, so am looking forward to when I am in a mixed dorm. I eventually fell asleep and intended to get up in time to have some breakfast but I was exhausted so had a bit of a lay in. I am just about to have wander around Melbourne, so I will update you all a bit later on.
I hope everyone is ok, and keep in touch.
Take care x
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