Well everybody I'm now back in Australia! Have been back now for six months and have been meaning to update my blog, but just have never got round to it. I have had such a brilliant time since returning to Oz and have made some great friends and a very comfy lifestyle. I now live in a lovely apartment in St Kilda, Melbourne with three girls that I've made friends with, and who I now class as my family! Our place is in the perfect location - right next to the Botanical Gardens, which is perfect for reading a good book on a warm, lazy afternoon, and about ten minutes walk from the beach! Can it get any better than this! :-) Anyway, this apartment is so much better than the place I was living in first of all! Lets just say I had very messy room mates and it got so bad that I had to get out, so I moved in with the girls, which has turned into the best thing ever! lol. I also have a great job in a bar, in St Kilda, which is so much fun, and everyone I work with are great.
So, as I promised everyone that I would keep them updated with a blog again I thought that seen as I have now left Melbourne for a bit and am travelling again I would start one now.
Well after a lot of hard work and saving my pennies I am now in Adelaide waiting to go on my trip through the Outback! I am so excited, but it feels weird to be on my own again. I've got used to being in my own little bubble with my life back in St Kilda with the girls, but it feels kind of nice doing something on my own again.
Ok, so the journey from Melbourne to Adelaide didn't go as smoothly as I hoped! It started off going according to plan, but went down hill after not going to bed until 4am on the Friday night before my flight yesterday. I had planned to get up early yesterday, as still needed to get some vital bits for my trip and I still needed to pack. However, I didn't wake up until about 10:30 and had a stinking hangover. So, it was time to rush into the City to get my very attractive mosquito net for my head (which I can't wait to wear by the way, lol) and a water bottle. I couldn't find a travel shop and then somehow managed to hurt my foot and now I can't walk on it properly, so was hobbling home. After finally finding the shop it was a nightmare trying to get a tram home, due to a protest in the city to stop the refugees coming in! Trust this to happen on the day that I'm needing to get home in a rush! So, I finally get home and only have about 45 minutes to pack! Ahhhh. It didn't take me as long as I thought, but I somehow managed to make my back pack as heavy as it was when I was travelling last year! Think it's because of all my toiletries that I've packed! I'm afraid to say that after six months of not having to live out of a back pack, I have got used to my little luxuries again! A girl needs these things anyway! lol
So, I get to the airport after a very crazy taxi ride and check-in goes quite quickly, but then I notice how early I am and have to wait around. I got a coffee and sat down to wait until I could board. Then when I got up I could hardly put any weight on my foot and it had swollen up like a balloon! I tried not to panic and think that it will be fine by Monday, when my first hike is! I hobble to the boarding gate and see that it's starting to rain and is quite windy outside, but didn't think anything of it at the time. I got settled into my seat and I don't know why, but I always manage to end up sitting by the most annoying people. I had an old woman behind me who kept on talking to the man sitting next to me and everytime she leant over to him, she thought she would use the back of my chair to lift herself up!! I seriously had to struggle to keep my mouth shut! Anyway, so we take off and it was the worst one I've ever experienced due to the bad weather. I hate flying anyway and was praying that the weather would clear up during the flight and when it came to landing. Well my prayers were not answered as we had the worst turbulence ever and when the plane was coming down it felt like I was on a rollercoaster! One minute the plane was straight and then the next it was falling rapidly!! I really thought that that was how it was all going to end! Well we got down safely after skidding quite a bit on the runway and everyone was so relieved to be down that there was a round of applause! lol.
I'm now in Adelaide and my hostel is quite nice and in a great location in the heart of the city. First impressions were not so great after me and two German girls, that were in my room, found a horrible looking spider in our room and struggled to kill it. I had a horrilble feeling that there would be a lot more creepy crawlies in the room, but luckily there wasn't and I had a great nights sleep. I've had a very relaxing day today and have recovered from the hellish day yesterday after a long lay-in. After I got a very much needed coffee, I mooched around the city centre, enjoyed a walk in the Botanic Gardens and along the river Torens. It then started to rain, so went back to my hostel where I've just had dinner and am going to have an early night, as I've got a very early start in the morning. My bus is picking me up at 6:20am! Can't remember the last time I got up that early!!
Well people, for the next 14 days I'm going to be in the Outback of Australia doing lots of adventurous stuff! lol. Oh and to everyone that has asked me to be careful and have kindly reminded me of Wolf Creek, I promise I will be sensible and will try and keep you updated as I go along. If I can't due to being stuck in the middle of no where, I will update when I get to Darwin.
Hope everyone is well and miss you lots xx
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