Well here I am in New Zealand and it's bloody freezing!! My last few days in Cairns were just spent chilling out with friends in the glorious heat and now I'm here! Going from 30 degrees to 8 degrees is never good! So it's back to jeans and wooly jumpers for me for a little while I think.
My flight from Cairns was definitely an experience. My flight left at 05:50 and took me to Brisbane. I didn't think I would get on the flight in time though, as after queuing up for about half an hour I got to the check in desk and was told that I was at the domestic terminal and I needed to be at the international one! The damn taxi driver took me to the wrong one!!! I started to panic as I had about 40 minutes before my flight was going to take off! So there I was trying to run to the next terminal at stupid o'clock in the morning with my back pack. It must have been a picture! I finally got there about 5 mins later, so it wasn't too bad and there wasn't a queue (probably because everyone was waiting to board!) I checked in fine though and boarded straight away. When I got on the plane I was happy to see that there were hardly any people on it so I could stretch out and go to sleep. I arrived into Brisbane at 08:00 and had to then go and check in again at the transit section to board my next flight to Auckland that was leaving at 08:55! What a rush, and why is that when you are in a rush you always get stuck behind the little biddies!! I finally got to the gate and boarded the next plane. This flight was a bit longer, so we got some food and a film to watch. I was looking forward to it as it was Mama Mia and I love this film. My luck still hasn't changed though, as infront of me were two young children! Now don't get me wrong I love kids, but not when they are forever screaming they want ice cream and standing up on their chairs and blocking my view of the tv!! I had to seriously bite my tongue to stop from saying something. I arrived into Auckland at about lunchtime and then had about an hour before the next flight to take me to Christchurch. I was hoping this flight would be a bit better. When I arrived into Christchurch I had to go to the domestic terminal. So I had to get my bag off the carousel and then go through security and quarantine again. This took forever and was seriously starting to get worried that I would miss the connecting flight. I had to have my walking shoes inspected too. The man that did this for me was really friendly and wanted to talk loads about where I had been travelling and all I wanted to do was get to my next flight, but on he went the cheery little man!! After he cleaned my shoes it was off through security again and then I had to get to the domestic terminal, which was about 10 mins away! I finally got there with about half an hour before my next flight was due to take off. I boarded the plane and was pleased to see that I had a window seat at last, rather than getting stuck on the aisle and forever getting my elbows bashed by the trolley. I got seated and couldn't believe how much leg room I had, even for my little legs, there was loads of room, and the seat was huge. I was so pleased, but then the stewardess came over and I soon found out why. I had been put in a seat by the emergency exit! So if we got into trouble I would be responsible for getting the door open!! I was praying more than ever that I would not have to open the door!! Luckily the flight went smoothly, and was under an hour and a half. After what seemed forever getting on flights I had finally arrived!!
I couldn't be bothered to lug my bags on the bus, as I felt so tired and sick after the bumpy flights, so I got a taxi to my hostel. I arrived at Charlie B's Backpackers and was greeted by friendly staff and I had a nice 4 bedded dorm. When I got to my room though I realised that I was sharing with people that enjoy being absolutely freezing and insisted on having the window wide open. I was not a happy bunny that night and went to sleep with bottoms, t-shirt, fleece and thick wooly socks! I miss Australia! lol
I have been told that New Zealand is beautiful though, so am looking foward to it.
Hope everyone is well xx
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