Well today was my first day on the Kiwi Experience bus and so far it seems ok, but it just doesn't have the same feel to it as the Oz Experience did! Hopefully it will get better though. The people on the bus were great and made friends with three girls from up north and we got on really well. When we got to Kaikoura the sun was shining and we had brilliant views over the snow capped mountains. I have never seen scenery like that before, so I was very happy.
We stayed at a hostel called the Lazy Shag! What a name, but it was a very cute hostel with a cosy tv room. We had the option to go Sperm Whale Watching, which I chose to do but soon regretted after I had got on the boat. Oh my god it was the scariest ride ever and made me feel so sick. It was like being on a huge speed boat and I was literally coming right out of my seat. We kept stopping to try and see the Whales but they kept swimming away from us. This went on for about and hour and a half, it was freezing and I had a woman sitting behind me being sick!! All I wanted to do was get back to the hostel, but finally the Whales decided to show themselves and it was amazing. They were huge and we were very lucky as we saw four. It was definitely worth it in the end.
When I got back to the hostel I went food shopping with the girls to get something for dinner and we were told it was a few minutes walk down the road. This was a bit off the mark as it took forever. We made yummy spaghetti bolognese and then decided to have a proper girlie night. We made cups of tea, got in our pyjamas, snuggled up in the tv room and watched Grease 2!! There was an 18 yearl old guy in there too and I think I can safely say he was not happy with the choice of film, but we loved it!!
It was an early start the next morning as we all went to swim with wild dolphins! We was on the boat at about 06:30 with our very attractive wet suits on and on the hunt for the dolphins! It didn't take very long, but long enough to make me feel sick. I can't believe that I keep putting myself onto more boats! I even had to get help from the woman in charge with getting my flippers and goggles on, as I couldn't even move for fear of being sick! As soon as I got in the sea though I no longer felt sick, the water was as cold as ice and it took my breath away. In order to see the dolphins we had to make as much noice as we could, so there I was bobbing in the sea and trying to sound like a dolphin! I would have loved to have seen it! After a little while my dolphin noises soon paid off, as I was surrounded by dolphins, just swimming around me, it was totally amazing!!!I was a bit nervous, as at the end of the day they are wild and you never know if they are going to be happy that they have all of these people swimming around them, but they were so gentle. A few kept swimming up against me and getting so close!! We had about five swims with them and when it was time to get back on the boat I have never felt so cold in my entire life. They came around with a hose pipe and poured hot water into our suits and it was the best thing ever!! It was then time to go back and we had company most of the way. There was a huge pod of dolphins, we were told there were about 400 of them, swimming around and infront of the boat. I was so happy, even though I was still in my wet suit freezing cold. It was one of the best things I have ever done.
As soon as we got back to the shop we had to hop onto the bus to leave to go onto our next stop. The girls were catching the ferry over to the North Island, so it was time for another goodbye and for me to head onto Nelson.
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