Oh dear extremely hungover today! Was not a good idea to drink that much red wine and stay out until 3am! Checking into our hostel at Queenstown was a nightmare. There were so many people waiting, and I felt awful, so I just crashed out on the the couch in reception. We finally got checked in and decided to have a little sleep for an hour before having dinner at Fergburger, that Sara and Jackie promised me were the best burgers in the world, and goodbye drinks with our Kiew experience group.
It's true, the burgers were amazing and really set us up for the night ahead! I wasn't intending on staying out late, but surprise surprise it ended up another big night. It was Jackie's last night with us so we had quite a few glasses of wine in the hostel bar and then went to the World bar, where we got to drink cocktails out of tea pots. You could win a free one if you rolled the dice and got a 4, 5 or 6, so this was very exciting. Katie rolled first and got a 2 and when I rolled it I got a 1, but at this point the bar man was talking to someone and didn't notice, so being sneaky backpackers that we are and needing to get free stuff, I rolled it again and got a 4!! Free alcohol is always the best. After the tea pots we decided to leave, as we all had a few too many, and had to get up early to go on our Milford Sound trip the next morning.
Milford sound was breathtaking. We travelled on, yet again, another bus to the ferry, which took about four hours. It was ok though, because we slept most of the way. We had a few stops also, so we could stretch our legs and take some piccies. When we got to the ferry we had some lunch, and as it was a buffet we saw a great opportunity to get some rolls, fruit and tea bags to fill up our food bags! Hope no one saw, but we are backpackers on a budget, so it was for a good cause!
Going through Milford Sound was beautiful, but very cold. My trusty waterproof jacket came in handy again. We got to see some cute little penguins and then some dolphins who put on a great show for us. We were on the Milford sound for approx two hours before we had to return to the bus to get through the long journey back. We slept again and also got to watch a film, so it went quite quickly.
We were going to have an early night, but ended up going out again instead! We started off in the hostel bar with a few drinks and a dance. Then Sara and I moved onto another bar, where we made the mistake of trying a Yega Bomb and then another one after that! This is a glass of Red Bull, where you place the shot (still in the shot glass) into the glass and then down it in one. Not such a good idea, as it had quite an effect, but we had a good night and then treated ourselves to Fergburger on the way home.
The next morning we had a bit of a lay in and a lazy morning, which was needed very much. Katie got up and done her skydive, after having it cancelled twice, and Sara and I went for a walk. We were advised of a nice walk up a hill, with amazing views of Queenstwon when you reach the top, and then you can get a Gondola down. Well, the walk was not what we expected, or wanted it to be, considering that we were feeling a bit delicate. It wasn't a walk, it was a damn hike!! Not what you want when you're wearing flip flops, the ground is extremely unstable and when there isn't an actual foot path. It was hot, we were tired and we couldn't see the walk (hike!!) coming to an end anytime soon. An hour and a half later we made it to the top, and it was totally worth it. the views were stunning and we were so happy we had made it. The Gondola ride down was very high and went quite fast, but we were just glad that we didn't have to walk back down.
We chose to have pizza for dinner and whilst we were walking through town to get it, a guy came running across the road with a box, saying 'stop, stop, you're on t.v'! He was doing a competition where they were seeing how many Pavalova's they could sell. Very random, but we were actually on t.v!! He wanted $10 for it and we just laughed. He was in a rush, so he took what we had between us. A whopping $3.80! It was a beautiful Pavalova, and it was one of the guys birthdays, from our Kiwi ex group, so we decided to to give it to him. Or so we hoped anyway. Sara carried it all the way to the supermarket, back to get the pizza, to the hostel, up three flights of stairs and placed it safely on the fridge in our dorm. We got ready and then took a lot of pics of the Pavalova! As you can tell we were very excited about the yummy desert we were about to enjoy, of course after Paul had some! We walked out into the hall, with Sara infront carrying the Pavalova and then........'splatt'!!! NO!! we screamed, not the Pavalova. Everyone came out of their dorms and found us on hte floor trying to salvage what was left of it. They thought it was very amusin and even took photos of our misfortune. Luckily, none went on the floor, it just turned into mush in the box, so we took it to the kitchen, cut it into slices and attempted to make it look presentable. Could we still give this to Paul, we asked? Yeah why not, it still tasted good, and it's the thought that counts surely!
So, we took it down to the bar on a plate and gave it to Paul. He was so happy with it and thought it was delicious. We ended up telling him the random story, but he didn't mind thankfully. We had another great night and Queenstown has been brilliant, but I went up quite early, as was very tired and was another early start the next day to get to Christchurch.
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