Well my last night of my trip was a sad one, as I really didn't want to leave and go back to the UK, but was looking forward to seeing my family and friends. I stayed at Base for the night and had to get up at 3am, after not really sleeping at all. My journey to the airport was an interesting one, as whilst sitting at the bus stop waiting for the shuttle to take me to the airport, a strange and scary Mauri guy came over and tried to talk to me. I really wasn't in the mood for talking to anyone at 4am, who reeked of alcohol and was getting a bit too close for comfort. He could tell that I didn't really want to talk so got up and walked off whilst hurling abuse at me! What a lovely way to end my trip. I soon forgot about it though when I got to the airport, as it took forever to check in and was lucky to get through in time to get on the plane. My luck had finally changed with the seat I was given on the plane. After all the flying I had done I finally got a window seat, so got to sleep for the few hours it took to get to Sydney.
When I arrived at Sydney I had to go through immigration again, as had a 10 hour wait for my connecting flight to Bangkok! As I had my back pack I couldn't even leave the airport, so spent the time, drinking coffee, reading, feeling sorry for myself that I was going home and people watching.
After what seemed like forever, it was time to board my next flight to take me to Bangkok. The flight was so uncomfortable and had to spend the next eleven hours sitting next to two women who were so rude it was unbelievable and who didn't leave me any space at all. Needless to say that by this point I was getting to breaking point! Extremely uncomfortable, exhausted and miserable that in the next few hours I was going to be back at Heathrow. Shall I kill myself now!! It's funny looking back on it now, but at the time I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When I arrived at Bangkok we had a flight delay and ended up falling asleep on the chairs, almost missing the flight home, but luckily someone recognised me from the plane and woke me up. I groggily walked back on and found my seat, which thankfully was a different one to the one I had just been on. Had got lucky again and was sitting on the aisle seat in the middle block of seats and the two seats in the middle were empty. So this enable me and the other lady at the end to stretch out and go to sleep. The nine hour flight home was ok, but felt like it was never going to end. I passed the time by watching four films, eating whenever they brought food around and sleeping whenever I felt tired. Touching down at Heathrow was such a relief until it hit me that I was actually back!
So after collecting my backpack and going through passport control it was time to see my family after three and a half months! Even though I was sad to be home, seeing them again made me so happy and I felt content to be home. That is until we ended up getting stuck in a traffic jam on the M25 for about an hour with no movement at all! What a great way to be greeted back to the UK! :-)
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