How ya going,
Its exactly a week before we say bye bye to Perth and Morely so we thought we would update you on what we have been doing before we set off on our travels again. You might like to know that we are currently having a tropical storm it is pissing it down and thunder and lightning! Its not all sunshine in oz!
By the end of this week we would have completed 5 weeks at Target. We have had our fair share of retail experience. We have survived working while the store is under going a whole store refit. We have also extended our knowledge of shop lifting quite considerably. Target is the prime place for shop lifters and you can spot them a mile off. I have seemed to have got my fair share of action in footwear, what with a lady dressed top to toe in target stuff with the labels still on, people being chased through footwear by security and a 75 year old shoplifter! We have had fun at Target and met some lovely people but we are glad to be moving on as the days are starting to get just a little monotinous. Now all there is left to do is claim back all the money that we have been taxed!
We have also survived living in a house with 3 guys! Although for the last 4 weeks it has just been the 4 of us because Goss has been in hospital with a dislocated hip, which he got playing football, the aussie version is a lot tougher than english scoccer! He had to be flown down from Dalwallinu! It was a fairly serious injury and he was in bed basically for a week. Now he is moving around a lot more, but will still have to be in crutches for 7 weeks. Hopefully he will be out of hospital beofre we leave next Saturday.
We haven't been up to a lot apart from working, seeing Goss and trying to save money! We managed to get West Coast Eagle tickets last Saturday. So we got to see a live AFL match, we have seen enough on the big screen at the house but it was a whole different experience watching it at the Subiaco. Unfortunately we had to contend with some torrential showers and not the warmest of weather but thankfully it didn;t actually rain during the game, Got really into it and the atmosphere was a lot more friendly comapred to a premiership game. All the supporters sit together in the stands around the oval. The West Coast Eagles beat Adelaide which was a bit of a surprise as they have lost their last 7 games. But the supporters weren't that over joyed at theuir win as the season is pretty much over for them anyway.
We have timed our last weekend well as it a long weekend, Monday is a public bank holiday for the Queen's birthday, any excuse but it means an extra night of drinking for us! Will upload the photos in due course!
Next stage of our journey is a 10 day tour up to Broome with Planet Perth, we leave next Saturday at a horrendous hour of the morning. Then its a week in Broome beofre we fly to Darwin. We also spend a week in Darwin beofre we fly to Bangkok and start our 3 week Intrepid South East Asia Basix tour. All very exciting.
Hope you are all well.
Lots of Love Hayley and Rose.
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