Tuesday 5th August.
Mike was asked to come in early today so we didnt go up Cardies, but when we asked Kev what the weather was like he said perfect clear blue skies! God damn it the only good day in ages and we missed it! We got up and made our cheerios then headed into town to do our weekly shop. We took our DVD's back a day late ooops. They are only $1 rental for a week on a Monday so you go in the vid shop and it is packed! We said sorry for bringing them a day late and they said no bother and didnt charge us! This is how nice NZ is! you'd be smacked with a £4 fine in the UK! We then went and printed some pics off for Mike to send his Mum and Dad. Hi Nuala and Pete! He has had the card written for ages but not sent it as he has been looking everywhere for a gift send. The pics look great really glossy. We went and picked up the boards which we had taken for a wax. Mike's got 10 free waxes with his new board. We spent $115 on groceries, going for all healthy options instead of cheapest options. Its reall hard to be healthy when you are on a budget! All the cheap foods are full of sugar and salt. We didnt get any chocolate, biscuits or icecream either! I'm sat here writing this STARVING, but refusing to snack. Meals only and I've had an apple already. I cant remember if I've said this but we got a full refund on our Treble Cone pass as we have not been up there much, not good snow, no park, no free cups milk or sugar like at Cardrona, plus all our friends were up Cardies. So we got a $2500 refund! Sweet in the bank account! Well happy! James has gone to meet his parents at the airport in QT with his arm in a full cast and sling, he will be back in Wanaka in a week or so. Shelly and Cairns are coming to stay with us in a couple of weeks for two days so looking forward to that. We will prob use our money and go to QT for a few days aswell and go up the remarks mountain with them. I got my hat finished from Elle so me and Mike both have one now they are great. Oooh I forgot to say I went in the Thai restaurant over here and asked if anyone would like to teach me Thai, so I have met this guy twice and I am teaching him english and he is teaching me Thai. It is very difficult as he speaks very quite and fast and is quite shy but i'm getting there. I biked down to the Cheeky Monkey Cafe today and bought him a latte. We sat outside in the sun and had a lesson together. I had a hot chocolate to give me energy to bike back as I was starving as usuall! I ask them to use trim milk though! Its all about the coffees over here so many varieties and coffee shops using the barrista. I keep making these random meals at home then not liking them and asking Mike to eat them. For some strange reason I want to put fruit salad in everything. When I made a tomato soup I put fruit salad in it including the juice, didnt like it and made Mike eat it as I dont like to waste food! Then yesterday I made a pork cassarole and poured fruit salad from a tin into it as i didnt have any stock to flavour it. We were giggling so much in bed with him saying " Stop making me weired foods cant believe I ate a pork dinner with grapes floating around!" he he we couldnt stop laughing it was so funny! Anyway I bought some stock today so I can add that to things now! Mikes at work at the minute so I have washed up, made our great pack lunches! Mine is basic as I'm on a diet but I love making Mikes the best I can, I've made him a yogurt, pear, sweets, mars rocks, tuna sandwhich, tea bags and sugar for brew, and crisps! I'm so jealous I have tuna on granary bread with no butter, and apple and a tea bag for a brew. I have taken the clothes down from the hangy thing above the log fire and packed my gloves, goggles, sunglasses and hat in Mikes bag ready for tomorrow. Mike doesnt like me moving his stuff for some reason probabley cuz i'm such a clutz and I seem to break everything so I have lined all his stuff next to his bag ready for the morning. I've set myself a little excesise plan aswell so i've dont my minutes of skipping and pressups and sittups and I've washed my face and put a facemask on, learnt more of my Thai that I was tought today and just about to finish my blog! Not in work now til Saturday (worked on Sunday) so will be boarding daily. Oh rang up and offered to be a model for a trainee to cut my hair so I have that on Friday morning. Will prob go boarding straight after. Chow for Now.... Hayley and Mike
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