2nd May continued......We ended up going to Queenstown, we set off and had hardley any petrol, and was driving for ages worried as we had no-one to contact if we broke down. We finally came to a town called Arrow town, and it had no petrol station - Weired. Some towns dont have petrol stations how strange? Anyway the next town was Frankton so we filled up there, cost us $95 which shows how low we were I think it usually fills up at $80. We drove down to Queenstown, had a look around. Not as beautiful as Wanaka but lots going on, lots of shops, clubs, bars etc. The drive to Queenstown was a bit scary and its not even icy, I cant imagine doing that drive when it is snowing, also they have "Chain fitting bays" Every now and again. We got an English Fish and Chips a DJ rectangle CD and continued our search for Mikes sunglasses which we have looked for everyday since we arrived in NZ. I dont think he can bring himself to pay for a good pair because of our $440 fine bless! He does need them though, its so bright here you need your sunglasses everyday. Plus I do keep reminding him of his wrinkles that have started to appear, and the fact that the hole in the O zone layer is above us. In this case I have bought us some SP factor moisturiser which I am making sure we both wear every day before we go out!When we got back we both made chicken stir fry for our tea which was nice and went to bed early with a couple of beers watchin coronation street. (Yes Mike cannot believe they show it here, he is GUTTED!) ..He is still in disbelief. Although they are very behind here it is where Tracey is getting sent to jail for killing that builder guy.Wanaka day 4: 3rd May: SaturdayWoke up at about 7.30 again! Made eggs and soldiers and a pot of tea and decided we were going to go for a run every day round Lake Wanaka. So thats what we did, I forgot how incredibley unfit I am! It was gorgeous running round the lake, I hope to keep it up more or less every day. We paid the rest of our money on the house, went to an internet cafe to put our pictures on, checked my emails bla bla bla. Had a hot chocolate and fries at Kai Pai summat cafe or other and went to to the supermarket to buy some mushrooms, pickled onions (mikes), new Mars Rockets chocolate bar (mmmmm!) and garlic. We went home and made another stir fry as Mike was uber impressed with my cooking skills yesterday! Oh by the way I like mushrooms now!. Then we had a nap and got in the shower ready for our first Saturday night in Wanaka. We were going to go to Red Rock as there was DJ mox who was playing Hip Hop, funky house and Drum and Base, but as this is a quiet time for Wanaka at the moment it looked dead so we went to Shooters bar which was a bit busier. I think this is the place to be over here, big, dancefloor, pool tables etc. We played pool with a couple of people and I won all my games much to the boys embarresment, Mike won his too, think I might go in for the pool competition on Wednesdays, you win $50 bar tab runner up, or $100 for the winner every wednesday. As I'm new to the area though I'm a bit hesitant to play (the way I play) in front of new people! I think I may get slated. I think the beer over here is Spates and it is $6 a jug, not great beer but we are backpackers so thats what we will have to drink. We had a couple of Jaygameisters (sorry have no idea how to spell that!) Some pashion fruit vodkas, and some stella and headed home quite drunk. Took us about 10 mins walk to our cottage and stumbled into bed. Just woke up again now at 7.30am AGAIN! Why when we have no work do we find it soooo easy to get up early???? I was sooooooo dehydrated though I think thats why we woke up. We just made a couple of brews, some toast and are watching a bit of T.V on our OLD SKOOL tv with 3 channels where you have to push the big square channel buttons! I think we are going to postpone our run till later, but we are DEFO going. Speak soon guys, Oh and if anyone speaks to Shelly, can you please tell her our NZ number? She should be arriving in Queenstown any day now!*sweet*
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