Friday 17th May: We called for Gus, and went to play tennis, $5 to play and $5 to hire the rackets, A Bit steep if you want to play 2 days a week. We all perfected our serves and played winner stayed on etc. We played froom 11.00 - 1.00pm and then decided to get something to eat and maybe go for a walk. We went to Tangos Cafe where I will be working soon I hope! As backpackers do we tried to choose the cheapest thing on the menu, had the tap water with it, ate and left. Gus bought some sunglasses from next door ready for our walk, we got in the car and set off. We went for a drive to find Rob Roys Glacier Track which is a Moderate (Steep in Parts) 3 - 4 hour Mountain walk, It was Me, Mike, Gus in the car and we set off a little late as it was about 2.45 and we couldnt find it, we finally found it and it was too late so we did the Diamond Lake Walk: Moderate to Hard 1 - 3 hours which was good. A bit of climbing and not your usual walk going under caves, climbing over rocks, jumping over stream etc! Really enjoyed this and our calves were killing us which is good for the weight loss! Brilliant view as usuall and we took pictures for you to look at. Great outdoors, exercise etc I'm loving it so far!
Saturday 18th: The lady next door gave me the bike but it was a little big and it had a puncture. We went to Thunder Bikes a local bike shop and Mike put a new inner tube in and mended the puncture. We decided that I should ride Mikes Bike as the seat would go down further. I havent rode a bike in about 10 years! A bit scary at first but good.We got a text from James and rode round to his friends house and started drinking in the sun around 3pm. Then a guy came round with some chips and we played Texas Hold Em poker. Mike was quite drunk at this point much to the amusement of Tom, Tom2, Lee, James and Dave (Harry from Dumb and Dumber) He was actually really funny we were in hysterics as everyone was just taking his chips. We just about got the hand of it, went to the Bullock bar at about 10pm and rode our bikes home. The police pulled up next to us and told us to walk with our bikes as we didnt have helmets on. It is illegal here not to wear helmets so we got off our bikes and walked home with them, it wasnt far. Mike being Mike got straight back on his bike when the police left and I went mental at him as they fine you approx $50. He never learns his lesson, he just wont be told. Well more fool him as he got another speeding ticket today $120 for going 120 KM an hour. I was fine and sympathetic about the $400 fine we got on the first day but speeding after you got cought is just stupid!
Sunday 18th May: We went on a hunt for the some helmets at a carboot thing that was going on on the next street. People brought all their ski stuff and sold it to the public, Mike found quite a good army helmet which was $40. We haggled down to $30 and he bought it, Nothing is that cheap on the car boot thing, not as cheap as you can get bargains in England where they practically give things away! Well at least Mike had one and it looked pretty good!
Monday 19th: Had breakfast and went to the Job Centre, In and out "No Jobs Sorry". "How about the labouring job on the board and in the paper?" "Nope sorry!" Useless! I feel like opening an agencey in Wanaka as I'm sure I would take all the business from them! All the employers in Wanaka think they are useless too! They dont even bother telling them they need someone they just find someone themselves. When we spoke to Westpak bank they said they registered a vaccancey with them and just never ever heard from them since! We then went to Shooters to get some lunch, we had chicken cheese and bacon toastie which was scrumptious $7.50 each about £2.80 we just had tap water to save a bit on the drinks. Its usually free pool everywhere in the day so we had a few games of pool, I won of course and then we left. We hired me a helmet for $5 from the Thunder Bikes and we went bike riding for a couple of hours round the lake. We took a few pictures as the view as usual was in-describeable! There is so many little beaches which are gorgeous! We rode around for 2 hours then came to the Sticky Forest bike area. We were tired by then so decided to leave this for another day. We rode home and Mike assured me it was down hill but it was up hill all the way which killed me, but as long as I am burning calories and toning up I'm not really bothered! We droped the hired helmet off at Thunderbikes and went to New World Supermarket to get our shopping. It cost us $60 for Cerial:Chocolate Milo? (nestle), beef strips, biscuits, icecream, tea bags, sugar, tinned tomatios, tinned fruite, baked beans etc. Then we went to this Mediteranion place to get our fruit and veg and spent $20 there on: Onions, mushrooms, kiwis, potatios, soy source, bread, garlic, peppers. We got home and made Beef stir fry with veg and tomatoe source with Jacket Potato and source, with ice cream as dessert mmmm! We are both getting into this cooking thing! Trouble is I bought tinned tomatos with spices and I HATE spicey food so I drank about a litre of water with the meal to cool my mouth down! We are going to try and make the food last us a week but we seem to be always at the supermarket! We were supposed to go to Body Pump at the Gym at 5.45 but we are both shattered so we just made tea and chilled for the evening. I read some more of my memory book and am now learning to memorise a whole deck of cards which I think I can do now! Wow! I kept asking Mike to test me and I was doing quite good!
Tuesday 20th May: I decided that we should eat breakfast (Mike made us boiled eggs and soldiers) Which is weird I don't know if it is something to do with the electricity here but you have to put them in for 7 minutes here how strange! then try and stay in until lunch time so we can eat lunch here and go out. This way we wont buy lunch out. So Mike is in the shower and I am typing this. I think I will make us jacket potato cheese and beans in a minute. We might go to Body Attack class at 5.45 today as all classes are Free for the Month of May at the Gym and we havent been to one of them yet! And it is right opposite out house!
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