Sunday 23rd JuneWoke up early around 9ish, got up and went on the computer to speak to Mum. MSN still isnt working for both of us so we chatted on facebook for a bit. Me and Mike had our Nutri-bites which have taken over as my favourite cereal. its weired because i hated cereal in the UK I always wanted something hot for breakfast but here I love it! I had my tea with half a sugar as I am gradually cutting down from the years of Tea 3 sugars that my Mum brought me up on! I'm now onto half! Great! We got ready and went and climbed Mount Iron again! Must have done it about 3 or 4 times now. We did it in 23 minutes to the top this time. Cant remember what we did it in last time, maybe its in one of my previous blogs might have a look. Its good as it is really steep in parts and we run a little as well to get our heart rate up. We then went round a few shops and to the Supermarket. Supermarket day is supposed to be Monday but we were both free so one day one hurt. I particularly love food shopping, I knew I would, I asked Mike if he felt the same but he didnt! He said I take far too long picking small items. But in my defence I probabley save us a small fortune over time as I have to buy the best value foods! Plus I like to look at all the fat content, salt etc! i'm saving our health! We spent $150!!! eeek, thats the most we have spent, but we bought enough cereal for two weeks and frozen food to last us. So next week we are going to do a minimal shop! Some things were on offer only till the 29th so we wanted to get them. No ice-cream this week as we have decided only to get this every other week. We LOVE having icecream and fruit after our dinner! We still need to get peppers, onions, chicken, anti-bacterial spray and pizza bases tomorrow from the Meditteranian Market which we didnt know was closed on Sundays. Plus we saw one of the supermarket workers in New World drop a mushroom on the floor pick it up and put it back euughhhh! Mike is just getting ready to go to work, all clean shaven and smart with his black shirt, black pants, apron and pad! Street Kings is on at the cinema on Wednesday so he's waiting for his time sheet to see if he is off. I've just put some wood on the fire as Mike has been in the garden and filled the baskets in the house with pine cones and wood. Its the College Formal on Saturday but they dont serve alcohol at the dance even though some of them are 18! The tickets are $60 to the students but staff get to go free, so I'm going to meet with the women at work and go for an hour or so then go and meet Mike. We both have the day off so we will prob try and conquer Mount Roy in the day if its nice. The weather here is still warm between 11 - 18 degrees each day. It was forcast to snow this week but i think it might just rain. Mandy at work has lent me a book which i'm reading Clan of the Cave Bear, got lots to read, as i have the lonely plannet books of our next stops, my memory book, I bought Peter Kays Autobiography which someone told me was really funny cant remember who, I havent started that yet though. I have been reading Lonely Bones but i'm nearly half way through and its not as good as what people are saying i'm a bit bored really with it. Then i've got my Womens Health Magazines which i buy every other week. Okay well i'm off, not really much to say, i'm just going to chill here whilst Mike is at work, get my stuff ready for work and watch T.V. Speak to you guys soon. Love Hayley and Mike x x
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