Burton Open / Snowpark Friday 1st August / Saturday 2nd August
We tried to cure our super drymouth with some cereal and got our packed lunch and clothes ready for the Burton Open. We and met James and picked up Alex. When we were at Alex's he said there was a hot-tub with our apartment so I borrowed a bikini from Julia and we headed up Snowpark. Very muddy and steep got to the top and bought our passes. The slope style comp was on which was good to watch when going up the lift. passes were $70 for the day. Getting off the lift was a big down hill which i crapped my pants every time! I was very shaky and didnt have a good day, lack of sleep, hungover, pmt... was not in a good state of mind. I didnt attempt any of the boxes or rails even though some were super wide and you litterally just ride onto them no effort you just ride on ride off and dont actually need to do anything but keep your board straight! We got a hotdog and chips watched a bit of the comp and went back up again for a few hours. Lifts closed at 4.00 so we went back to the room to get a shower and sort out stuff out. The people who worked at snowpark Woolshed accommodation didnt really know what they were doing the key didnt work, then our rooms werent ready, then we came back key still didnt work, when it did we opened the door and they hadnt cleaned it or made the mades, so we were moved! James didnt have a remote so he couldnt watch the T.V! It was $130 a night aswell! Lovely rooms though massive bathroom with bath and shower. First bath we've had in months! Masive walk in wardrobe aswell! Balcony and hot tub right outside James and Alex'es room! Big flat screen T.V it was great! We headed out to watch the 1/4 pipe final. The Japenese were clearly the best they got massive air and best tricks. The atmosphere was great and the jumps they all did were amazing. Everyone knew when the Japenese were in town last month, god there was just hundreds of them all at once. They all wear double baggy clothing, skull Candy headphones, really trendy clothes and they all stick together. I dont think they really speak outside their groups which is a shame. Anyway back to the comp, Dom came up with Shaz and Ling who all live with James we all watched the comp and had a drink etc. There wasnt much of an afterparty but we were hungover anyway, so we went in the hot-tub and drank in there for a bit which was great! I really think it did my muscles good aswell, my calves are just killing me at the moment! I woke up the next day not remembering where I was, then ran to the toilet to throw up, only 3 times though which is great for me I usually throw up about 20 times all day and night! Mike and James got a lesson which only cost $19 each. Thats great value as its over $100 at Cardrona and Treble cone! They hit all the rails and Mike learnt how to spin round on the box instead of just going on it. Oh and James broke 2 bones in his hand! They told him to get an X ray which he did when he got back to Wanaka and he has to go to Christchurch 5 hours away to see if it needs operating on and go to hospital! He now has his hand in plaster and a sling and thats it for the season for him. His Mum and Brother are coming down tomorrow they will get a shock! Mike did some boarding in the afternoon as we stayed up here, and I got some pics and vids of him, one of him completely bailing and slamming on the floor which you will see on here! He was very hungover from two nights on the raz so thats his excuse! I didnt get a pass that day as I couldnt really do anything on Snowpark and the normal run was just too short. Ooh mikes gloves have arrived which are the yellow and black grenade Killer Bee gloves, again he is super excited. A little badge has come off his knew board and he is not happy, we've been to the shop and they are going to see if they can send him a new one so fingers crossed. I surprised him by getting Elle to make him a black and yellow hat to match his gloves and bandana and he loves it! I'm getting a hat made in Blue and Black they are wooly hats with a big pom pom on top and look so cute! Anyway I better go I have work tomorrow morning, not till 11.00 though! Speak soon Hayley and Mike...
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