Koh Phangan
Wednesday 3rd June
We all got on our minibus at 7 30am, I was quite unlucky as I got on last and got the b**** seat and had everyone's bags falling on me for the whole journey (5 hours) but we eventually arrived at surat thani and had to hang around for 2 hours being told that we were leaving in 15minutes every 15 minutes. We then got our 2 and a half hour ferry from surat thani to koh phangan where the biggest party week of our lives was about to begin! After checking into coral bungalows we had some supper a few large Changs/buckets and then headed down to the beach. Me, Paisnel and Slater had to carry gareth down to the beach as a mixture of a very bad back and too much alcohol had disabled him but he still insisted that he had to come to the beach, eventually me and Paisnel had to take him back! Haha! I then decided it would be a good idea to jump over a 30ft flaming skipping rope, after jumping over it twice a mixture of the rope being sped up and me mistiming it I managed to burn myself quite badly on my ankle and the back of my right leg. f***ing idiot! Anyways it was an amazing first evening full of buckets and dancing, I m not sure what time we went home but it was very late probably around 5 ish.
Thursday 4th June
After a very long lie in to recover from the previous nights antics we went and played volleyball down on the beach as it was jack's birthday. I rented a moped with gareth and we buzzed around on this s***ty little thing for most of the afternoon, it struggled to get me and gaz up the hill but for 200baht for the day it was worth it, although we didn't rent one again after seeing loads of people walking around covered in injuries from them. After a chilled afternoon we had dinner at coral bungalows and got ready for the pool party at coral bungalows that night. We started the evening off with a huckleberry, which we went to pick all the ingredients up with on our mopeds, that was the first extra large bucket of the night. It turned out to be a pretty messy evening as it was jack's birthday but I bumped into about 30 people from home namely sorcha/Kevin and greeno which was weird. In the end me and marcus were the last ones on the dance floor at 6am!
Friday 5th June
After yet another crazy evening we woke up late again and headed down to the beach and had an awesome afternoon at MM. Very funny afternoon! We then headed back to watch a few films and chill out, we weren't gonna go out until we all decided it was a good idea as we would rest the next evening before the full moon. So we headed out pretty late and got on the buckets as usual and then headed down to the beach. I bumped into our four Danish friends from New Zealand which was awesome so I spent a bit of time with them. I then bumped into our friends ed and henry from new Zealand as well and spent the rest of the evening with them until I managed to loose everybody and had to head home on my own. This led to a rather interesting incident with a taxi driver which then led to me staying up till 10 30 am with a random irish dude and some random English guy on the beach. I then went to bed as people were getting up to have breakfast.
Saturday 6th June
After getting to bed at 10 30 am I managed to sleep until about 7 in the eve! And I woke up still pretty drunk to be honest! I then spent the rest of the eve watching films and slepping so that I could recover for the full moon party the next day.
Sunday 7th June
FULL MOON DAY! After chilling watching films and still recovering for the rest of the afternoon we went to the shop and stocked up on lash for a huckleberry, the evening started very well with a mixture of drinking and painting going. With booze and glow paint flying around everyone knew that it was the start of an epic evening. After we had finished pre drinking we headed down to the beach, as we stepped on the beach it was about 4 time busier than it had been any other night, there were meant to be around 10,000 people on the beach. After dancing all night long me, tom moran and petifer managed to dance until 10.33 am and were part of the last 17 people still dancing that hadn't gone to bed and come back. Absolutely epic evening, probably one of the best nights of my life!!
Monday 8th June
Spent all day sleeping/recovering from the biggest party week ever!
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