Hi Harry - really enjoyed reading your blog - skydiving sounds scarry. Andrew has done quite a bit of white water rafting and really enjoyed it - sounds if you had fun. love Jo and Andrew
Votre Pere
H.....Can't believe that you ran into someone who was a ringer for Sam! Some people get all the luck! Very confusing........l
Told you to leave the 'Crunk' out of your itinerary - now someones got a rash from it....
Great to talk to you yesterday morning you sounded on top form. Love to the team ....I'll be thinking of you all at Twickers today.......hope we give the Jocks some of the treatment we gave the Frogs. Can't believe you've been gone 3 weeks although you certainly are making the most of it. Keep enjoying and keep off the 'Crunk' !!! Love votre Pere xx
Votre Pere
H........some of it sounds amazing and some of it a shame. You let the Danes win at drinking and footie and u r 1/8th Danish. Am concerned at 'Crunk' have warned Doctor B. mmmm......
Enjoy you lucky lad and love to the gang. Captain. xx PS Pst some photos please
Your Mother
I love reading the blogs. Have now give ali few brown your blog address. xxxxx