Just arrived in the North tip of new zealand, called the bay of islands. The weather isn't very nice up here it has been raining and very windy all day but off on some jet boat tour tomorrow which is apparently meant to be good. Slater, guy, will and charlie have all tried to dye their hair blonde and its gone horribly wrong so i m travelling with a bunch of idiots!! Staying in a really cool hostel called phi phi patch, we ve managed to get our own room for 8 of us which is pretty sweet. Walked in to check in and some random girl was waving at me and guess who it ended up to be Emma FP!!! haha small f***ing world, seaview on the other side of the world! To be fair i did kinda know she was around but its pretty cool to bump into her! The bus journey wasnt all that enjoyable though, saw some sheep that are apparently gay!! they are all spray painted pink! pretty jokes!!
Had a good last night in auckland we all got thrown out the bar because apparently its illegal to be intoxicated in NZ!! so thats not good!! Me and guy had a somewhat interesting evening with two south africans, one call awkward literally!! haha!!
Rest of Bay of Islands We had s*** weather for another day so our jet boating was cancelled, ended up going swimming in the sea in 50knot winds which was jokes then spent 3 hours in the hot tub chilling. Had quite a fun evening just me, ed and sam went out and a few jager bombs down the line and meeting a few people who are doing kiwi experience with us turned into a pretty good evening. Sam and ed pulled this rank bird called DEE whio looked like the back end of the bus and had earlier came up to sam and said. Hi my names dee which is short for drink, buy me one. Sams answer as i m sure u can imagine was NO!! Haha so we spent a good hour taking the piss out of her! Thursday night turned out to be quite messy as all 8 of us plus our new travelling friend from denmark called caspar head out together after some pre lashing in out room which ended up being a load of spilt drinks and a sink full of crunk juice, we only just found out that ed had pissed in the sink the night before!!! HAHA!! The evening ended up with me getting glass in my foot as i went out bare foot which was probbly pretty silly! Slater broke his hand as he retaliated on a car after being thrown out of the club with guy, and guy ended up with a black eye! Charlie met this crazy nutcase girl called rosie who me and sam felt was probably the devil and he headed of with her. The evening ended up in me having to get a bloody ambulance for slater and a bit of a rant at middles, it is all on camera!! Anyways we re all back in auckland now having a chilled eve, slater has gone off to hospital for an x ray and i m doing my first bungy of NZ tomorrow as i won in free in a bar back in the bay of islands which is pretty sweet. Off auckland harbour bridge, only a 40m one so just a small laugh! Then we re off to watch the auckland blues against the sharks tomorrow for a bit of super 14 rugby fun!!- comments