Thursday 2nd April
After having a rather crap nights sleep in Christchurch airport departures lounge we got on our very early flight to melbourne. As soon as we arrived in the much hotter part of the world known as Australia we jumped in a cab and headed straight to our old friend and gappy from school, Cas's house. We arrived to a very nice house without cas there as he was at uni until lunchtime and took full advantage of his fully kitted out house. After having a few chilled beers by the pool whilst listening to some bob marley on cas's massive outdoor sound system he arrived home and quickly took us out to show us around Melbourne as we were only there for one day.
After some lunch we went straight to the 100,000 seater cricket/afl stadium famously known as the MCG for a tour around the stadium and then a trip into on of the worlds best sporting museums. We then headed into the centre of melbourne to see the city and meet up with the other ex gappy from school, Hayhoe. After a few beers and a walk around melbourne in the blistering sun we went straight to the liquor store and the supermarket to stock up on meat and beer for an evening bbq aussie style. We had an awesome eveing ate far to much and drank a few to many beers but it was really good to catch up with our old gappy friends.
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