I have been told to update my blog... but I have to say that, well.. I don´t have much to say.
Mainly it has been raining.. so apart from exploring the city I haven´t really been upto much, I re-pinked my hair this morning, found an Irish pub today (gotta be done) that while sort of grubby looking does quite spectacular burgers with egg and bacon on!! get in! Got absolutely drenched in the rain then had cake (just to get out of the rain you understand) and now I have just finished watching the bourne supremacy which according to the DVD cover is called Identidad Perdida 3!
Thats it really - mainly I´m just waiting for Friday and the galapagos - where I can take millions and millions of pictures of wildlife and/or maintain the feotal (can´t spell that) position while suffering from horrible sea sickness - could go either way really - remains to be seen
Thats it - catcha lata x
Also Gem if your gonna read this to Grams then, hey Grams, love you!
oh and also - if your gonna show it to Dad - love you too - and please find out how to go on here yourself coz then we can email on here - xxxx
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