No hehe. I have thought about it and I think I will definately give it a go. Don't worry I will do it safely hehe. I promise I am not as crazy as it may seem.
Love you xxx
Just read your latest report and thought that you were going to say you decided to join him kayaking!? I reckon you'd be pretty good at it - worth a thought if there are lessons to be had somewhere? Don't just take off into the wide blue yonder please! Good to hear you're on the move. I'll call you.
Thanks Mum. No I didn't but I will when I go to Oz Zoo. haha thanks Em Im glad you like it. Lots of Love to all xxx
Gem, am so jealous of the peter andre waterfall!!!and your impression of the timotei advert was truly fabulous!!!so glad your having such a good time enjoy the next part! xxx
It's cold and wet today, so the sight of waterfalls and bikinis makes me shivver. Your tan is fabulous and you look lovely. Did you get to hold a baby croc? Good luck on your next 'mission'! xxx
It already is... especially the line I am sure I will be hearing soon 'the phone rings in the middle of the night, my mother asks what you gonna do with your life' haha.
I am still in Cairns but I am leaving on Monday and heading to Mission Beach for a couple of days and then onto Magnetic Island.
Love you all xxx
Thank you Simon, you're a star and yes it is very apt. xx
Maybe that should be you theme tune Gem. xxx
Sandra.. if you are looking at the one that starts "The phone rings in the middle of the night....." its "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun".... quite apt really hehe x x
Bob Stringer
Nice photos of Cape Tribulation Gemma they bring back some nice memories.Those crocs are really something to see. Keep having a good time
Another set of fantastic photos, it looks absolutely gorgeous. I'm still trying to think what song it was that had the words up on the screen in one of the photos. It's driving me mad, so if anyone can put me out of my misery then please do.
Keep having fun
Well that's what I was waiting to see - fabulous scenery and views. You've taken some great shots, Gem. So glad you enjoyed your GBR visit, although I expected you to be doing that mainly as you travel down the coast. Hopefully you'll get another opportunity. I'm so envious! And yes, Dan, you are rubbish!!
Hey you! sorry i have been a bit rubbish at getting back to you! been really busy trying to sort out wedding stuff! will send you a nice long email over the weekend and fill you in with all the details and current standings! Everything on the blog is looking great so far. glad your having a good time and have made a few drinmking buddies!
Oh Kev by the way i have a line of ants tap on the back window last night asking what the trails were? Any ideas???