Glad you're having a lovely time. Shall look forward to hearing all about it. You're certainly seeing the world. I expect Ayres Rock will be quite spectacular. Good climbing; mind how you go.
Lots of love
hey hun, looks like u are having an amazing time i am so jealous. gonna send u a nice long email in a bit :-) love ya hun xx
According to the news today, a huge red dust cloud has swept into Sydney "from the outback". I hope that doesn't mean the rock has disappeared before you get there! Have a great time - I hope you enjoy sleeping under the stars - that's if you can see them!! AML xx
i've arranged an ambulance to be on standby for you trek to the summit!!!
enjoy the next stage!
love you
We are all following your progress with great interest. Hope you really enjoy the next stage of your trip and, in particular, your time at Uluru. Looking forward v much to seeing pics of you 'going hard for the summit'.
Sorry Em... I don't like Kiera Knightley so that's why I thought it was rubbish! x
Gem, the bbq looks yummy!not quite as spectacular as ours though!he he!can't belive the two weeks has gone so quickly!
ps i actually quite liked the dutchess myself!
If you do Ill hit you with it hehe. Not to be too ungrateful or anything!
Love u x
i was wondering what to buy you for your birthday, now i know... a bike helmet!!! very attractive!
Always was one of your favourites and mine too.
The crash helmet suited me? I hate bike helmets but I had to wear it grrr! I had a choc brownie it was yum hehe xxx
The island looks beautiful, loved the crash helmet! You kept very quiet about your cake, what was that like I wonder? Pics are great too.