Well done Gemma, what a great start and it can only get better. Look forward to reading all your messages as you travel. Take care. xxx
Pretty impressive stuff so far Gem. looking forward to seeing some picture on here soon though. Good work with the Macdonalds...would have been my choice too even though it was probably a Rat burger or a Dog or something!! Hope you get to see some Exotic animal at the zoo and good luck catching the flight! Sounds like aaron is prepared for your arrival as i added him on Facebook. I did send you a text message reply this morning but i didnt get one back so would be interesting to know if you got it! Still hope you are enjoying it...Love ya x
Well I'm pretty impressed that I've actually managed to find my way into this thing, given my first class IT skills! I can now read all your wonderful news and messages. You already seemed to have mastered a lot and got out there - what a star. Never doubted it. Thinking of you nearly all the time! xxx
Hi Lil Sis - Glad that everything has started off so well - enjoy the balance of your time in Singapore, love ya x
Well done gem! sounds like your having a blast already! Impressive map reading skills! and loving the macdonalds! xx
Well done . I'm impressed that you managed to read the map. Hope you enjoyed the flight and everything went well
The Word
Have a wonderful time Gems and enjoy every single minute. Will miss you lots. xxxx
Hey Gems
Have a fantastic trip and dont forget that hot man from Oz you promised me!
Love you and will miss you heaps
scooby =o] x x x x
Hello my darling, you havn't left yet but I miss you already, just testing.
Love Mum x
Im so excited for you Gem, you will have the most amazing time. Make sure you keep in contact all the way round. I will definately see you before you go. lots of love xxx
Gonna miss you more then you know sis. If you ever feel lonely just call me and i'll be there (well mentally) with you!