Hi Gem, I've just come to mum's to see some of your photos. They're great. You look so brown. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I hope you continue to do so. It's lovely to see where you have been and all the different locations and buildings. It is very interesting. Shall look forward to hearing all about it when you come home. Keep safe and look after yourself. I hope you will enjoy Christmas wherever you will be. Have a very happy time. Shall be thinking of you. Lots and lots of love as always. Cheers darling
Nanna xxxx
PS. I'm now wondering if this was all a load of rubbish!!!
Glad to hear u've settled and enjoying the job! but now to the more important stuff....are you going to be watching the jungle and i'm a celeb get me out of here!!!xx
lol welcome back to the real world with a job gem - althought think id rather swap my job for a job in a bar working in sunny Oz at the moment. missing u, I text u a while ago on ur international number did you get it - was it the right number.
love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well done on getting a job! welcome back to the real world i guess....lol! Looks like you are getting to see som amazing places, especially the Zoo where the Crocodile Hunter came from.
Hope the blisters dont slow you down too much, keep enjoying it and take care. Dan x
There you are..I told you something would come your way - well done you! If it's shifts it will keep you out of the bars at night, drinking and spending lots of £/$ (!) and will give you time in the day to enjoy the city and explore. Good to hear about the foot too. I'll call you. AML xxx
Hey Gem.. Another great batch of pics - I think I am more of a Koala man than a Crocodile hunter but being so close to them all must have been great. Your looking great too, but take care of that foot and good luck with the job hunt x x
Hi Kell - Good to see you finally put a message on here. Thanks for the advise on the foot situation. I wore a support and trainers yesterday and it is much better day thank god. I think it was all that walking in flip flops that did it.
Sorry to hear its cold back there. If i helps it rained here yesterday and it looks like it is going to again today booo.
No babe I didnt fancy wrestling a croc hehe. I will bring the sun with me to LA don't worry about that. Can't have my tan fade in the last two weeks now can we hehe.
Lots of Love xx
pictures look great! i take it you didn't fancy wrestling the croc???!!
emma i agree its freezing here at the moment and the rain is making it worse! Nice to see the sun is still shining your end, don't forget to bring it to LA with you in Feb!!
Wow gem half a stone! make my 3.5 pounds sound measly!
They could be rite about ur foot but if it were me and the pain gets worse i would get it checked out, like u say u can't really afford not to be walking on it, when what it prob needs is rest!
Good luck with the job hunt!
ps it is freezing here! x
Gem Gem....
I cant believe you've been gone 2 months - its amazing how quick time flys and all the cool stuff you have been doing.
I also can't believe that its taken me 2 months to manage to find this message board to write some thing on here - how rubbish am i!!!! but i found it now.
just read your recent blog post and what bit of your foot hurts? it might be worth buying a support for it if it gets any worse because the man u spoke to it right you cant really do anything for it but it might help relieve some of the pain when you are walking.
keep everything coming......
Love u lots
Oh yeah you do that every year don't you? How was it? I hear its really cold there? It's raining in Brisbane so don't feel too jealous. Job hunting in the rain wahoo hehe. Lost half a stone though yay! Lots of Love xxx
The zoo looked liked lots of good fun!Ive just spent the nite freezin workin at a firework display!worlds apart! good luck on the job hunt,lovin the tan!keep us updated xx