I'm all snivelly today having inexplicably caught a cold! My head feels like it's in a vice, I can't stop sneezing and I got literally two hours worth of sleep last night so I'm not really in peak physical shape. But I'm attempting to nuke the cold with extra strength vitamin C tablets and I like to think that the Strongbow I necked last night might have contributed to my five a day...
We're back in Sydney now, having caught the train from Katoomba this morning. We had about eight hours to kill before our bus to Melbourne so we strolled back to Circular Quay to relax on the grass in the sunshine. We also popped into the Museum of Contemporary Art for an hour; as it's free it'd be rude not to!
I always tend to think of modern art as a bit w*nky and meaningless (sort of Emperor's New Clothes syndrome) but the curator obviously had a sense of humour! The bottom two floors were dedicated to 'Primavera 2008', an exhibition by young Australian artists. The exhibits covered all different media and my favourite was a video installation by Soda_Jerk about the history of hiphop which was very funny.
On the third floor was an exhibition of the work of Yinka Shonibare (see photo). That was ace - there were photographs, paintings, sculptures and films and I suppose the unifying thread was the African-patterned 19th century costume. It was a comment on European colonialism apparently...
The fourth floor was called 'Video Logic' which, as the name implies, was all video art. The best exhibit by far was Philip Brophy's 'Evaporated Music 1' which was a Celine Dion music video with the song removed and replaced instead with bizarre sound effects and evil gravelly voices - made us laugh a lot!
Anyway, that's our culture fix for today. I'm now mentally preparing myself for being trapped on a Greyhound for 12 hours, which are arctic at the best of times, with my shivery cold. Still, we'll be in Melbourne at 8am and I'm VERY excited about that!
Love you all x x x
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