The sun came out for all of about an hour and a half today and whilst it was there it was glorious! Unfortunately, when we got up it was grey and rainy again so we postponed our trip to Manly until tomorrow, in the blind hope that things might perk up climate-wise.
We decided to wander into the Inner West area of Sydney under the premise of finding a book shop but really to see another area of the city. I had a bit of a funny turn again though so we had to go sit in a cafe until I stopped shaking! Once I'd returned to normal we went back into the CBD and then up to Observatory Hill to eat lunch. The view there was beautiful and that was when the sunshine came into play. You could see the whole Sydney skyline and the bridge, including all the little specs on the bridge which were people doing the bridge climb (aka mentalists). So we lay outstretched on the grass in the sunshine admiring the view... until it started raining when we scuttled back into town.
I did a bit of window shopping (I've now discovered where the good clothes shops are) whilst Jim chilled in an internet cafe. We went out for tea tonight after a wander around Darling Harbour and that's all she wrote! To be honest neither of us are coping well with the sleep deprivation so our motivation to sightsee, when coupled with the crap weather, is low at the moment. But, TOUCH WOOD, after a good night's sleep tonight we'll be ready for Manly tomorrow. Our p*sshead Irish room mates have moved out so that should help. Having said that, I did just pop into our room to find our new room mates are having a party...
Love and insomnia x x x
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