For the second consecutive evening I am drunk whilst fulfilling my blog obligations. I've moved onto the Strongbow tonight and it's like being back at home...
We've had a smashing day today, exploring Katoomba and visiting the Blue Mountains. We started off by wandering to Echo Point, from which we took in the awesome (only word for it) panorama over the Jamison Valley, looking out at the Three Sisters. It was just incredible with a carpet of trees hundreds of metres below us, the mountains ahead with the ones in the distance a hazy shade of blue, and the gorgeous clear blue sky above it all.
We followed the scenic cliff walk then, winding through the forest, past a series of viewing platforms. It took about an hour to get to the view of Katoomba Falls, a waterfall cascading off one of the giant cliffs, and then we got the scenic railway back up to the top of the hill. That was a little hairy for two people who aren't great with heights... I'd insisted we sit in the front seat for the best view but it was unbelievably steep and seemed to rocket up the cliff face. I don't know how the freak we're going to cope with a heli-hike in New Zealand! The rest of the day was spent relaxing or photographing local freaks for a warped game Jim is playing.
Back off to Sydney tomorrow before a gruelling 12 hour journey to Melbourne on the Greyhound - fun fun fun!
Love you all lots x x x
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