Could people watch for hours here and itching to photograph it all but don't want to be intrusive. So, here's a few memories and snippets of Tanzanian life:
Trying to navigate our car down our dusty, bumpy road that is frequently filled with herds of goats and cows
Waving to all the smiley, excited children that play in the area
The small groups of old men that sit on the same bench each day watching the world go by
Women dressed in patterned cloth balancing brightly coloured buckets of water on their heads for the gruelling morning water collection
Watching the school kids compete for space with the goats on the local "oval" - the goats seem to be the opposition team!
A man riding a bike with a wooden cross strapped to the back saying "Jesus loves you"
The mobile ring tones that are key parts of sermons instead of music
Seeing wooden carts laden with all sorts that look like trailors but pulled by people not cars/horses... when they go down hill- watch out- usually out of control!
The poor man with bits of tyre lashed to his feet with rope to make shoes
The crazy dalla- dalla drivers (minivans that serve as buses) that weave in and out of the traffic honking and flashing their lights and overflowing with people... and the odd chicken/goat!
Beautiful Mt Meru towering over everything on a clear day
The roast sweetcorn sellers on the road side
Kids playing marbles or hitting/rolling bike tyre frames down dusty roads
The trouser sellers who walk around with 30+ pairs of mens pants over their arms
Bicycles or motor bikes laden with incredible loads- eg 300 eggs, masses of buckets, grass...they seem to defy gravity
Dogs that bark and howl constantly through the night
The mosque call to prayer at 5am (urrrg)
Roosters... arent they only supposed to crow at dawn??
The majestic Masaai wrapped in their red tartan blankets with their traditional cheek markings and stretched ear holes decorated with colourful beads
Fields of sweet corn, sunflowers or coffee
The open trucks that drive with loud speakers and party music blaring and covered in balloons promoting political parties (we originally thought they were promoting nightclubs or something!)
People sleeping on cardboard on the streets
Gardening via machette
Building sites filled with mainly female construction workers (disappointingly, we discovered that this is as they offer cheaper labour)
Colourful street side fruit and veg stalls
Little boys that seem perfectly comfortable wearing girl's dresses (very hard for us to distinguish little boys from girls as everyone has short hair, we don't know which names are male or female and clothing no hint either!)
Mothers are called "mama" followed by the name of their child... ie I'm called Mama Zoe/ Zacharia not Karen
Stunning star gazing due to most rural areas not having eletricity
Small children (maybe 5ish) with babies swaddled to their back
Soft drink in glass bottles
....... aaahh AFRICA!
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