Left Jaiselmer late (as usual) and train journey was OK - arrived about 30 mins late.We had a quick ride to the hotel through some very dark alleys with people sleeping on their market stalls - we would have been a bit scared had we not been to the hotel before.
The hotel was fantastic - an old converted haveli and we had an enormous corner room with a carved ceiling, oil lamps hanging from the ceiling and even a fridge!
Next day we went round the Meherangarh fort - a large palace that dominates the city from a rocky outcrop overlooking the city.It was the best fort we had seen - lots of intricate carved stone work, lots of things happening in the fort - snake charmers, dancers etc. and the attendants were all dressed in Jodhpurs (what else!).The views over the city were also good - truly is a blue city.
Next day we went for a walk - lots of bustle and plenty of people trying to part you from your rupees - some quite insistent.We ended up at a fabric shop watching these Americans buying lots of bed covers - the guy would get one out, Fran would say that's nice and they would buy it!They were having it shipped so they didn't care apart from cost.Unfortunately, Fran also caught the bug and ending up buying stuff - more for me to carry.
Went on to the new palace of the Maharaja - built in 1930s big but not so impressive - like a big hotel which part of it has been turned into.Back to town for more shopping and a quiet beer.
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