Its officail-Rai Lay (Krabi) has replaced Vang Vieng in the all time favourites list!Its a shame we didnt have more time to spend here!This place has everything-beautiful beaches for kym to sunbathe on, rock climbing, hidden lagoons,climbs to viewpoints,bars,kayaking,cheap drinks n food.
In the days I left kym to her sunbathing and either went off exploring the 3 differnt sides of the resort,through jungle/forest trails including climbing up rocks to the viewpoint which was spectacular, and up and down to find this 'secret' laggon that this Danish girl had told us about.Turned out to be a bit of a disapointment.the first time i went the sun wasnt over it so it was a bit gloomy and the next time i went the sun was on it but the tide was out!!!!! really enjoyed the climb to get to it even it was a nightmare in parts.learnt my lesson tho and didnt go barefooted the 2nd time.
On one of the days i did rock climbing in the swealtering heat which was mint-hopefully gonna do some more in NZ take it up when i get home. Glad I opted for just the half day-turns out it is absoluetly knackering!!!Could barely pick things up the next day my forearms were so sore!
On one of the nights we had a table top barbecue/soup with which you barbecue your own chicken,beef,shrimp and boil your own veg/noodle soup which was cool.
unfort we didnt have time to go kayaking.There is this company that rents u a proper kayak for 24hours or more with camping equipment, stoves etc and you kayak to a deserted beach,buying fish of locals on the way!Hopefully might get the chance to come back in afew years and do it!
The only bad point was our accomodation!The huts are set up a hill in a really picturesque rainfoest setting but turns out not the best for sleeping in what with the birds dropping fruit on the metal roofs all night and the roosters crowing!After 3 months in asia we have decided all roosters should be shot!!!!!!!!! But since the plush hotels are out of our budget they had to do!
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