First stop ORIVIETO a nice little hilltop village just 3hrs outside of Florence. Stunning - it was a town with historic little old cement houses with wooden shutters. So cute - we just wondered the streets. I tried my first Italian coffee belissimo it was so yummy.
We arrived at Prima Porta, were we caught the train into Roma the Eternal City. 1st stop the Spanish steps, great views, heaps of doggie people. The Spanish steps were actually made by the French but named by the Spanish Embassy! Next stop was the Church of Cappuchin Monks this is a museum of bones, real bones from dead Cappuchin Monks it was so freaky - walking through this place gave me chills up my spine. After a long walk we found the Trevi Fountain it was so beautiful - the centrepiece of the fountain was King Neptune with the two sides representing the two sides of the sea the controllable and the uncontrollable. The fountain has a a special ritual - you are to throw three coins into the fountain, first one: to return to Rome, second: to marry a roman, and third: to be granted a wish. We were all chucking in coins after seeing what was on offer :P At the fountain there is a water spout and if you drink from this water spout you become a virgin again of course we all filled our bottles up. The next stop was the Pantheon this church has only one source of light which comes from a hole in the ceiling, afterwards we passed the Castel Sant Angelo on our way to the Vatican City's St. Peters Bascilia - while walking on the road we witness Italy's finest catch on fire - it was hilarious the fiat just went up in flames and the dude was just sitting there - me thinks god was punishing him as it was directly opposite Vatican city. St. Peters is the most beautiful and inspiring church I have ever seen it is absolutely huge with several rooms and chapels there is gold on the ceiling and paintings and art creations by Michelangelo and Raphael. I went into the prayer section and had a talk to god.
For dinner we went to the Piazza Navona for a pizza yummy after dinner we went to the Roman Forum - A ground which has been exuviated and recreated. Then to finish off the walking tour we ended at the colosseum. It was so pretty at night the inside was all lit up and it made the colosseum glow.
The next day we had a free day to venture around Rome. We were given heaps of warnings about all the doggie people in Rome "drop the babies and kick the kids". The first stop was Vatican City we went to see the Sistine Chapel it was incredible so much beauty, the paintings actually look as though they were real almost 3d like. we stared up in this crowed room until our necks couldnt handle it - i just wanted to lie on the floor.
Next we went to the Roman Forum for a wonder around the grounds it was so incredible to see the historic importance that each stone represented. Likewise the Colosseum also provided the same historic importance. Overall, Rome is a definitely a place to come back and visit - a mix of historic monuments set in a contemporary society.
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