Last night was a bit of an adventure. From Columbus we drove down to Chicago, Illinois (about 3 hrs) and stayed the night with a family that we stumbled across through browsing Basically it is a website designed to connect travelers with others who are willing to offer up their couch, a spare bed, or whatever else they may have for the night/s at their home. Neither of us had a clue what to expect, but nevertheless, it was great. They were a really nice Christian family and they bent over backwards to ensure we had everything we needed. We will definitely have to do something like this again! And what made it even better was that coincidently Hinsdale Academy (the school fair this morning) was only 10mins from their home!
Following the fair, a few of us went to lunch at a place called Stir Crazy, which is an Asian restaurant featuring flavors of Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese food. What makes it unique is that you take your bowl and choose from a self-serve buffet exactly what combination of vegetables and sauces you want to go along with your pre-ordered type of noodle (and meat if you so choose). Once you've piled your plate high, then it's just a matter of taking it to one of the chefs where they will throw it in their wok and in minutes have it cooked and ready for you to eat! Delicious.
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