My last blog from Australia, cant believe time has gone so quick. After a detour to Townsville to watch no other than Sex In The City, of which me and Toby snuck in because there was no chance in hell I was paying to watch that, I took a day trip to Magnetic Island. The Island is stunning but my lack of finance and fed up of stupid drunk English people I headed further north to Mission Beach. I'd left the others and ended up with 2 guys from Bury, and its so nice to hear a northern accent again. All it did was rain so I did nothing but read and watch DVD's for two days, which kinda defeats the object of travelling, and after swearing never to drink goon again, I still end up jumping in a swimming pool with loads of people for no reason.
Cairns was next on the agenda until I could sort out my flight to New Zealand and I headed for the reef. You can't come to Oz and not do it can you. It was such a great experience and even when they told me I couldn't dive and needed a medical certificate, I managed to blag them on the boat and get my intro dive. My pictures didnt come out amazing but the fish didn't seem intimidated at all and just swam as usual. Someone said they saw a shark but I didn't see much when I was down - I was too busy trying to remove all the water from my mask that was leaking in.
Another few days of drinking ensued with send offs one by one as the group deteriorated. We'd all built up such good friendships it was strange to not see them at the bar or round the pool day after day.
I finally got New Zealand sorted and I'll be travelling with Rach and now Sandra aka Frank has decided to come on over so its another new adventure for the next month. On my last day I decided to randomly go quad bike racing. What an experience. Our guide was just tapped and started by saying "My names Robbo, try and catch up with me" and we just bombed it off for the afternoon going around a specially made track in the Karunda Rainforest. I tipped my quad over after I got it stuck in a hole whilst another guy crashed into a tree. Because I was last in the queue, the guy in front ran right into some horse crap and then sprayed yours truly. Lovely!
All in all Australia has been full of great memories and can seriously see myself returning in the near future. Theres so much more to do here that you can't fit it in within 6 weeks. It has been one of the most brilliant experiences of my life and I would do it again any day. Next up, New Zealand!
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