Nick's Travels From Around The Globe
About Nick
I'm now in proper South America, where anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. After my comfortable yet long 24 hour bus journey north, we arrived in San Pedro de Atacama, a village in the middle of the Atacama desert. Its about 2 hour away from anything, and our stop off before getting into Bolivia. It has quite a lot going on and is qu…
This is my travel blog keeping you up to date with my details and plans as I travel about over the next few months. After several months of working my arse off, barely having a social life and living off soup for my dinner, I've saved enough money to go travelling all over the globe. The opportunity arose and now I've grabbed it with both hands and before I eventually sell my soul to the corporate world. Have a look at my blogs, photos and videos that I'll update when I get t…
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San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
I'm now in proper South America, where anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. After my comfortable yet long 24 hour bus journey north, we arrived in San Pedro de Atacama, a village in the …

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Santiago, Chile
Chile at last! Its been a long time coming but I'm finally here. After a nasty flight, and arriving several hours before I flew on the same day, we met up with Matt at our very snazzy hostel a…

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Auckland, New Zealand
I've entered "The Big Smoke" and my last city in New Zealand. Since my last update I had a 6 hour early morning bus ride from Christchurch to Picton to get a ridicously slow ferry jo…

New blog entry posted
Queenstown, New Zealand
What a crazy few weeks its been. To make it easier to write, I'm just gonna summarise it.
26th-28th June - Christchurch. I arrived and met up with Rach and Sandra. Met a few other lads who are…
- last visited

- travel plan
- London, UK
- Hong Kong
- Perth, Western Australia
- Adelaide, South Australia
- Aukland, New Zealand
- Santiago, Chile