What a crazy few weeks its been. To make it easier to write, I'm just gonna summarise it.
26th-28th June - Christchurch. I arrived and met up with Rach and Sandra. Met a few other lads who are doing the same trip on the same day and so just hung around for those first few days. All it did was rain and so we never really got to experience Christchurch much at all. Pretty place from what I could see but it never stopped raining.
29th June - 2nd July. Made our way to Kaikora where you we could see seals. Thats about it. Its a tiny little place in the middle of knowhere and again all it did was rain. The next day we made tracks to Nelson. It had changed completely and was beautiful blue skies and sunshine, which made the journey alot better. As we approached Nelson, I decided it would be a great place to do my skydive. I managed to sneak on the bus as a standby and by luck I managed to get out there that day. It was perfect. The sun was setting over the snow capped mountains of the Abel Tasman park. Couldn't have picked a better place really. The next day we headed to the Centre of New Zealand, which is a plaque on a hill funnily enough in the geographical centre of New Zealand. The views were great and you could see all the way to the North Island.
3-4 July. We headed to Westport and now it had changed to rain yet again. Just to make the day a bit more intresting, me Ben and Matt decided to jump in the notable freezing Lake Rotiti and it certainly lived up to its name. It was cold but it made the toilet break more intresting. The next day we were going to a fancy dress at the Poo Pub with the theme of bin liners. I happened to stumble on a extremely funny yet probably controversial idea of a sucide bomber and luckily it went down a treat. All fun was had that night with a massive dinner put on by the seriously grouchy 85 year old Les, who had less charm and charisma than a box of cling film but it was a good laugh.
5-6 July. Franz Josef. Again the weather was with us when we arrived in Franz Josef. Sat night we all headed to watch the rugby at the local bar and then prepared ourselves for the gruelling 8 hour hike. It was cold, hard and even though we were in the slowest group, we did it. It was so worth it. Climbing through cravases and caves it was a crazy experience that I'm glad I did. Check out my photos on facebook. That night we all needed a good reward for our efforts and got blind drunk. New Zealand has cheap booze, unlike Oz, so I could see the binge drinking Brit coming out of me for the first time in a few months.
7-8 July. Wanaka. We arrived in a half built Base in tiny town of Wanaka. I wish I could have stayed at this place more because it was brilliant. Surrounded by snowy mountains it really was something else. After I had to return to Wanaka because I left my camera behind (whoops!) went to a puzzle factory (not as childish as it seems) and took in the great views en route to Queenstown.
8-15 July. Queenstown. I said I wanted to stay in Queenstown for a while and I certainly did that. What a better place than to spend the last days of my teenage years than the adventure capital of the world. When we arrived at the bungee place I was somehow, against all my mentality, to do my first bungee. It was a Kawari bridge, the world first comerical bungee jump at 43m. I was bricking it but you just have to realise that the pressure is all shoulders up. Its all in the MIND! After my initial girly little jump I loved it so much I decided to do the Thrilogy, all 3 jumps in Queenstown. I was then booked in to the Nevis Highwire the following day. This is New Zealand's highest bungee jump at 134m (over 400ft) inbetween two massive canyons. It was also the 3rd highest in the world. Luckily I was about 5th up so I got it over with relatively quickly but now I was worried. I knew I could do it and it was more about prooving to myself than anyone else but it was the longest 8 seconds of my life without doubt. The adrenalin buzz that followed afterwards was immense and I would do it again as stupid as it sounds. Thursday and Friday were snowboarding days whilst Saturday was a biggie. My 20th! I went boarding all day and then took a gondela ride up the mountain to do my 3rd and final bungee, the ledge. Even though its only 47m, your 150m above the ground and since I was doing it at night, it was just pure darkness. I wasnt worried until the guy made me look over the edge into complete abyss and then I just ran and went for it. I am now offically all bungee'd out for one year. The night ahead was just crazy with drinks left right and centre and the most expensive round of aftershock in the world but it was worth it. We all tried to recover the next day but I had the time of my life that week and I will not forget it. Monday was a day trip to Milford Sounds but because all it did was piss it down we got to see very little. 8 hours on a coach for absolutely nothing. I've got a big coach ride to Christchurch tomorrow and then nothing really until I get to Wellington early next week. My bank balance is now suffering as a result of Queenstown but if I could go back, I'd do it all over again without a doubt.
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